
Get Down Girl, Go Head Get Down (Pictures)

Last Monday, around 1:45pm, I started to get sick. My throat hurt, and I got progressively weaker as the day progressed. By Tuesday morning, I was so fog-headed that I called off work. For some reason, Chris decided not to take Aidan to the sitter, so I had to watch him all day guarenteeing me NO rest. I was not happy. The Grove was Tuesday night, and although I felt like a big sack of poop, I dragged myself there because if I didn’t show, there would be no Power Point! After a few minor mishaps, I got the hang of that Live Worship program and everything went off without a hitch. It was nice being in the mezzanine because I wasn’t feeling particularly social.

Wednesday, I stayed home again. This time, Aidan went to his grandmother’s and I slept for hours. It felt great. I also got to skip a day of meetings at work. During Life Group, Craig gave me a HUGE bag of assorted Reese’s candies. That made me smile. But I started to feel so crappy that we left early, and I climbed right into bed. I knew I couldn’t take another day off of work, I was going to be way behind. And I was right. Thursday was horrible because I wasn’t feeling all that great and I had SO MUCH work to do. πŸ™ I had to skip lunch and rush and answer 384798 questions and there was so much paperwork and so many files and how could I have forgotten about all the crap that was due on Tuesday, the day I missed? ACK. Friday was better though, and I even took lunch. It felt good when someone said “now here’s a face we haven’t seen in a while!” πŸ™‚

Friday night, I hung out at Jennifer’s (maids). She lives WAY in the country and I was looking forward to trying to photograph the meteor shower. Unfortunately, it rained and was overcast. So much for the astrological photo shoot. So Jennifer and I went to Best Buy where Aidan threw a major fit. We left Best Buy pretty quickly, and headed to Skip’s Family Restaurant which was SUPER YUMMY. Then we went to Target. I had way too much fun there. I bought one of those combination ceramic flat/curling irons. I really like it. Ceramic is awesome, and it heats up so quickly. Yummy flatirons.

Anyway, back to Jennifer’s we headed, where we exchanged music and acted silly with our computers. Our song for the night was “Goldigger” by Kanye West. GOOD TIMES, let me tell you. Honestly, we each lose 15 IQ points when we get together. It’s so fun.

Saturday, I slept most of the day (relapse of the sickness) while Chris took Aidan to his parents where they watched the Ohio State game. And just let me say that my son is OBSESSED with the Buckeyes. Locally, there is a remix of Hollaback Girl put to some OSU band music. It’s pretty sweet. Aidan makes me play it over and over and over and over. You should check it out. Get it here: CLICK!

Saturday night, we went to Chris’s High School reunion. It was interesting to see all these people he’d talked about over the years. I had a good time, actually. Especially when they played “Pour Some Sugar On Me.” I happen to LOVE that song. Oh yes. And…a really pretty girl said that she and her friend were saying “Chris’s wife is HOT.” HAHA. πŸ™‚ I must admit, I did look cute, especially here:

The Johnstown High class of 1995 – 10 years later.
Chris is the red-eyed dork in the back center. HA.
And believe it or not, the girl on the floor in the white top has FIVE children. Isn’t it freakin’ amazing how great she looks??

Sunday, we went to church and came home and lazed around. I made Chris cook his YUMMY chili for lunch, but it gave me terrible heartburn. πŸ™ Chris hooked his computer back up and we had to jump through some hoops to get it set up properly. I relaxed and Aidan relaxed and it was good. We all went to bed fairly early.

Yesterday was busy as all bananas at work!!! It was crazy. Being a tracker of about 3487389 different projects is hard and more and more are coming. In addition, proofs are coming and filing will need to commence VERY SOON and say, the copy machine and I are going to become very close. Today wasn’t as bad, but tomorrow is meeting day. πŸ™ I’m honestly going to look into bowing out of some of them–I have way too much to do to be sitting in meetings all day.

What is up with iTunes, coming out with updates every other day it seems? And honestly, does it HAVE to make me install Quicktime every single time??? *sigh*

Jennifer and I are DORKS

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I Am Hungry (Pictures)

OMG. Chris just made popcorn. I don’t like to eat it, but I LOVE to smell it. HOLY COW does it smell yummy in my house now.

He and Aidan are watching a movie together. Aww, cute.

I’m just in heaven, smelling that. You have no idea. Popcorn is one of my most favorite smells.

Today at work, someone brought in the yummiest, messiest cupcakes ever. Chocolate, with whipped cream topping and toffee. They were oogy gooey and OH SO GOOD.

Anyway, the POINT of this entry was to post pictures!!

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Attention FRIDAY and PAYDAY: Hurry up and get here!!!!

Things I Want To Do At This Moment:

1. Shop for books, sweaters, and CDs.
2. Go back to Disneyworld. Or Disneyland.
3. Sleep.
4. Play on the computer.
5. Write.
6. Sleep some more.

I’m tired. I tried to get to bed earlier than usual last night, but it took me a while to fall asleep. I’ve taken to having 1/2 dose of Tylenol PM before I go to bed. But everytime I dosed off, Aidan wanted to play. *sigh* He’s a worse night owl than I am.

Last night before bed, Aidan and I played a game. I pretended to be “Baby Mommy” and he pretended to be the daddy tucking me in to bed. Everytime he said “night night,” I would wait until he was in the hall and start “crying.” He’d run in and pat my cheek and go “It no scary, Mommy.” Soo cute and funny too. But now I know that playing before bed is not a good idea.

Gonna try to get to bed early again tonight. I hope I can fall asleep. I’m glad tomorrow is Friday. I have to see if itskels wants to have lunch with me tomorrow or not. After work, I am taking Aidan to the Heritage block party. There will be free food and people to see like megnita! πŸ™‚


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Mumbo Jumbo (Pictures)

I survived another wretched Wednesday at work. It wasn’t nearly as bad as last Wednesday, though. Still, it was tough and a bit frustrating and I’m just glad the work part of the day is over! Only two more days until the weekend!!

Aidan is so cute. Just thought I’d mention that. πŸ™‚

I am craving BACON like WHOA. I mean, I am hungry. My food cravings were crazy on the drive home today–and trust me, I am not pregnant. I’m just hungry, I suppose. McDonalds, spaghetti, BBQ bacon burger and fries from Max & Erma’s…

Today when I was driving to work, I was behind one of those mini vans with the DVD player in it. They were watching Cinderella. ΒΊOΒΊ That put a smile on my face.

Last night, Rob and Jennyfoo came over. I had so much fun. We ate and hung out and watched Hitch. It was soooo good seeing Rob and seeing Jennifer too. She bought me presents: Coldplay X&Y and the Garden State soundtrack. πŸ™‚ We also traded music from our computers. YAY. I’m a happy girl, I love music.

So, I downloaded the bootleg Extraordinary Machine months ago. Jennifer brought the CD over last night and I was surprised and thrilled to discover that Fiona had rerecorded most if not all of the songs. The album definitely sounds more like her style, unlike the bootlegs I have. I have it now to tide me over (thanks, Jennifer) but I’m going to buy my own, of course. It’s that good.

And randomly, here are a couple of pictures:

Here is Jon refusing to smile for his “birthday” photo. It doesn’t matter what he does, though. He’ll always be a beautiful boy.

This is one of the roses from my yard. Chris brought it in on Sunday for lunch/dinner with Holly and Robert and I cropped out the background clutter, put in a black background, and used the soft focus filter. What do you think? It’s my first attempt at serious photo manipulation in a really long time.

My back hurts. I am also crampy. It cannot be time for that already!! *groan* and *sigh*

And… survey HEY!

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A Kinda Sorta Dramatic plus Rambling Entry…

I have a dilemna. this weekend, the additions to Heritage will finally be done and they are having a celebration service! I’ve been looking forward to this for a few weeks now. The choir will be singing and there will probably be snacks and stuff. BUT, Craig mentioned that he wanted to get a cabin at Lake Hope, and invited me to join. It will be PEAK and that means loads of beautiful photo opportunities. Both of these are one-shot deals and I can’t decide which to do. What do you think???? HELP ME!!

Last night, I took Jon out to celebrate his birthday. We went to The Cheesecake Factory. Jon was exhausted because he’d been helping out with his triplet nieces all day. Once he got some Irish Coffee in him, he was fine. Wouldn’t smile for the picture I took of him, but he was fine. THAT BOY CAN PUT AWAY SOME FOOD, let me tell you. He had the chicken alfredo sans the sun-dried tomatoes, and he ate it all. I had the crusted chicken romano. Very yummy, but a LOT of food. The chicken covered the entire plate!! Naturally, I brought some of that home with me. I drank a Cosmopolitan. It was $8.50! I didn’t really like it, but I forced myself to drink it all because hello, it was $8.50. I should have stuck to my usual Amaretto Sour. But hey, live and learn, right? It did get me feeling good and I guess that is what really matters, right? They do not play around there with their drinks, that’s for sure.

Bizzy joined us for dessert. She had the chocolate mousse cake, warmed up. I had the lemon raspberry cream cheesecake, and Jon had the apple crisp. After dinner, we went and watched Waiting. Funny, slightly disturbing film. Especially since Jon, who used to work at Applebee’s, confirmed some of the things that went down in the movie. Moral of the story? BE NICE TO THE PEOPLE WHO HANDLE YOUR FOOD!!!

We stopped in Hot Topic before the movie and I got a BOONDOCK SAINTS t-shirt. Oh yes.

I could not sleep last night. I tossed and turned forever. Even though I had eaten all the food, my stomach somehow thought it was empty. I was daydreaming about spaghetti and pizza and french fries and couldn’t wait for the night to end so lunchtime could be closer. I don’t think I fell asleep before 2am. It didn’t help that Aidan was tossing and turning like crazy and he kept wanting to lie on my face!! He also kept pushing me nearly off the bed and stealing my pillow.

I am pretty tired, but I’ll be okay.

And tell me how sad this is. I don’t watch a lot of TV, but the past two Sundays, I’ve been coming downstairs just in time to catch the end of Cold Case. I get attached JUST ENOUGH in that fifteen minutes or so to have to fight tears every time. What is that all about? Do any of you watch that show? I’m not one for crime shoes, or much TV at all, so this is crazy.

That might change though. Time Warner offered us a super deal. We will get 74 cable channels for $24 a month until 2007. Woot. I can watch FOOD NETWORK and TLC again!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ I don’t know when it will be installed, but it’ll be neat to be able to watch Unwrapped again. Not to mention Lifetime. πŸ™‚

Someone awesome is coming over tonight and we’re going to eat awesome food and have awesome fun. I CAN’T WAIT!!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

Speaking of Aidan, he is amazing me every single day. His speech is developing more and more every time I hear him talk. Yesterday, I told him I like it when he talks, and he talks a lot which is great. He builds things, he pretends. Last night, before I got ready for bed, he was downstairs “cooking” for me. He brought it up and said “Mommy, I got food for you!” It was pretend, of course, but soooo darn cute.

He had a growth spurt. I had a feeling that’s what had been happening. He was cranky and extra clumsy and sleeping a LOT and eating like a little piglet. (He and I ate an entire box of Froot Loops Friday night :x). Now his bibs are too short for him. Such a shame as he insists on wearing them all the time and then running around yelling “I CUTE!”

In Target Friday night:
Ronni (pointing to a 30 minute meals book): Who is that?
Aidan: (looks confused)
Ronni: It’s Rachel Ray!
Aidan: That’s my GIRLFRIEND!

Back in 1997ish, I watched the US National Gymnastics competition. Erin (celinedion), you might remember this. All the gymnasts were posed at the beginning in a shadow room, they played this dramatic music (which I feel in LOVE with immediately) to introduce the competition. Yesterday at work, I was listening to the iTunes shared music and noted that the person who puts all the Celtic music had put on more David Arkenstone. So I listened to it. The last song was THAT SONG. I thought for sure I’d never hear it again and now, here I have an artist and a name: The Quest of Culwch. If anyone has it, please send it to me please? Pretty please?? I do plan to buy the CD (actually, I’m going to buy all of his CDs–I already have Atlantis, but I want the others too) but I have to wait ’til I get paid to pick it up and I WANT IT NOW.

Seven years ago, it was Fall 1998

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