
Ups & Downs

So, now comes the hard part. Aidan was SOOO good all evening, and Chris just put him to bed. He’s crying for Daddy. πŸ™ I don’t want him to cry, but I also don’t want to make a habit of getting him every night when he’s crying instead of sleeping. Especially since he’d been going down just fine before. *sigh*

I was having a semi-bad day. Actually, it was a rollercoaster day. The cats were acting stupid at 5am (-), traffic was bad on too many levels (-), I got yelled at (-), it RAINED (-), I was late to my meeting (-), Aidan was poopy (-), there were no diapers in the diaper bag (-). But, I ate McDonalds for lunch (+), Rob called (+), Aimzy texted me (+), I had PANERA for dinner (+), I got to see Christie M and Jenny E (+), Aidan was fun and cute (+), and I saw THIS:

Awesome, huh? You know how it’s raining and you can see sun in the distance–and you entertain the thought of seeing a rainbow without actually expecting it? Jenny saw it and pointed it out–the picture does not do it justice. It was beautiful and actually a double bow. If you look closely at the picture (off to the right), you can see a fainter rainbow above the bright one. πŸ™‚ (++)

If I were to grade today, it would be a C+.

Oh no, now he’s calling for me. How can I resist that????

Whew. Chris is in there cuddling with him. πŸ™‚ Now all is well.

And just for a bit of stupid trivia–I want a new guitar. One with lower action. Although I have a friend who says he can lower it for me on my Fender–I’ll talk to him before I consider selling it. If he can lower the action, I’ll be more inclined to play because it won’t hurt as much! πŸ™‚ If not, I’ll maybe sell mine–it’s a Fender DG-8. I’d also like a lighter guitar–mine is pretty heavy.

Meh, we’ll see. That’s something that’s on the VERY tippy-tip of my brain right now.

And what’s on the agenda for tomorrow?

– More rain? (God, I hope not).
– Work. (Meh)
– Writing & research. (YEA!)
– Drama Club meeting. πŸ™‚

Off to a bath, then relaxation for me. I’m reading The Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot. WHY haven’t I read this before? WOW, it’s hilarious!! I love her style of writing. I picked it up at the library on a whim yesterday and I’m glad I did! πŸ™‚ I’ll probably reserve all the rest of them and plow through them within weeks. WOOHOO! I heart reading!


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I thought I’d try to get through another day without updating, but that’s not the case, obviously.

I went for my eye exam today. Stupid insurance won’t cover my frames because I got contacts last year. Grr. So I had to pay $211 with all the overages (thin lenses, anti-reflective coating) and such for a new pair of glasses. I could have dealt with the drill-mounts I guess, but they are high maintanance.

The good news is that my prescription is the same, so I CAN wear the drill-mounts if I feel like hassling with them (they are a nice pair of glasses) but now I get a really cute pair of maxstudio glasses too. Ones that won’t be such a pain to maintain. πŸ™‚ I should have them in a week. In the meantime, since I wore my glasses to the place and the doctor gave me contacts to wear out, they gave me a free glasses case. It’s bright pink and tres cute.

Smells funny, though.

Heard at the Chiropractor yesterday:
Whiny Kid Voice: Mattttheewwwww! (mumble whine whine)
Matthew: I didn’t say that, my butt did.

Little boys crack me up. I wonder what kind of gems Aidan will spout when he gets older.

I’m hungry but I have no clue what I want to eat. Nothing sounds very appealing, so I’ve been munching on jelly beans trying to get some sort of clue. Maybe I’ll get Panera for dinner. Oh, but that involves effort and money. Although, it’s been a long time since I’ve had it. Mmmm. Asiago roast beef and chicken noodle soup, followed by a cinammon crunch or dutch apple bagel for dessert. Yummmm.

Drama club meeting tonight, but first a stop at the Post Office. πŸ˜€

Please don’t read this.

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Hot Enough?!

Cross posted at Anywhere Is…

Bloody hell, it’s HOT. Now, I’m not one to get hot easily (I’m usually the one freezing while everyone else is positively boiling), but even *I* am miserable in this sticky, hot, humid weather. Have a home with no air-conditioning doesn’t help. Can you believe I am actually hoping for a storm tonight, to clear the air? I’m ready for that alleged cold front that’s supposed to be coming through tonight. I can’t take much more!!!

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Red, White, and Boom. The largest display of fireworks in Columbus, Ohio each year. People get so hyped up about it. I’ve never been to Red, White, and Boom, but I’ve seen the fireworks. From various rooftops, or on TV. The fireworks are amazing. Phenomenal. But the music leaves something to be desired. It’s awful. The transitions aren’t smooth at all, and the songs are beyond cheesy. The only time it got good was during the finale, when they played the orchestra music. Otherwise, it’s just awful. Bad music kind of ruins the magic of the show, you know?

I’m not sure I’ll ever be brave enough to deal with those crowds. 500,000 people. Holy hot dog.

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Oh, snap.

Oh snap, literally.

My right headphone just snapped. So now I’m listening to When Doves Cry with a taped up headphone. I really feel like a geek right now.

Must buy new headphones tonight.

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