
Up & Down

Three months ’til Christmas. I’m hoping to spend it with a certain special someone, along with my family.

Maybe my birthday, too.

Last quarter of the year. Then it’ll be bye bye 2007, hello 2008. Another year of huge changes for me.

I want to watch My Big Fat Greek Wedding, but they didn’t have it at the library.

They DID have The Everything Weddings on a Budget Book, so I grabbed it. It’s so little and cute! And it matches my organizer.

I totally want this one, though: Anti-Bride Wedding Planner.

It’s pink. And cheap on Amazon (but not after paying $84754935 for shipping), but more expensive at Borders.

The library does NOT have the new Leven Thumps book and I am very sad about that. You can’t just order the first two books in a series and not order the rest! That’s just WRONG. Hopefully they’ll get it in soon. I’m going to be checking the catalog every single day and reserving the book the second it shows up.

Interfaith ceremonies are challenging to put together; I didn’t realize Jewish ceremonies had so many components.

I’m broke as hell. No Taco Bell drive-thrus for me. Not that I eat Taco Bell anymore.

Payday is Thursday, but every cent is already accounted for.

My DVD player SUCKS. I’d been waiting forever to get High School Musical out of the library, and my stupid player won’t play it. It also won’t play Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen, or Maid in Manhattan. Cheap piece of poop.

Fall is here, and my LJ has a new fall look. I finally said “bye bye” to the sponsored theme I had up; the one by the people who made those shoes.

I need a fall LJ icon. It’s hard to feel like it’s fall when it’s 93º F outside, so there have been no fall pictures.

Ohio weather is so annoying sometimes.

My hair is back to being all weird because it got wet. I had straightened it out all nicely. Oh well.

I’ve not been sleeping well. I fall asleep at about 12:30 or 1:00am, and I wake up at 3:30 or 4:00am, my mind racing, and I don’t fall back asleep until about 6:15am. Then my alarm goes off at 6:46am. *sigh*

I got an ARC of amanda_marrone‘s Uninvited in the mail and dude, Michael is HOT. There are no pictures of him or anything, but I can just tell. He’s HOT. I’ve read two chapters so far, and he is hot. Because he is a vampire. And teen vampires in books are hot.

The book is good so far, too. Amanda had let me read a chapter of it back when it first sold and I was hooked on it then. I’m excited to have the ARC. ARCs are cool.

I’ve eaten too much, as usual.

UGH, I got a telemarketer call at work today. ON MY LUNCH BREAK. Oh hell no, you do NOT bug me on my lunch break, okay? Ew. They started off with this “You’ve been entered to be in a sweepstakes for $25,000” bull crap, and I was thinking “Yeah, right, when are you going to try to sell me something?” Sure enough, at the end, they were like “You get all these free magazines and a diamond watch… but we would like you to pay for the TV Guide. It’s $3.95 a week.” Um, right. DON’T THINK SO. I don’t watch TV, so why do I need a TV Guide? And if I am really that curious about what’s coming on, I can check listings online. So I told her “I am not interested.” She hung up gracefully, but still. UGH. If I wanted to buy your shit, I’d call YOU.

The only time I let telemarketers sell me stuff was when it was the phone company calling to offer me something I was going to order anyway (caller ID back in 1999–which I no longer have because seriously, why pay $10 a month for that when I can just screen calls using my answering machine?–and DSL early this year. DSL is $19.99 a month, cable modem was $34.95, so yes, better deal for sure).

I totally got rained on today. It started sprinkling just a little bit when I got out of the library, then the skies opened on me as I was walking home. There was slight thunder and lightning, too. I couldn’t believe I wasn’t panicking. I used to get horrible attacks a few years ago.

Two-hour meeting tomorrow afternoon. Errata (ugh) in the morning, plus a marketing piece, and Word Sort vocabulary words. The professional development brochure was so much fun. I LOVE to “bleed” all over paper like that.

I feel weird. Not exactly sad, not exactly happy. I can tell it’s going to be another night of mind-racing, and little sleep. My body is all… wired. Tired but wired. I hate that sensation.

I want to speed through the next 400 or so days. I hate when I get that feeling because there is a lot to live for TODAY. Right?

I’m gaining weight again; my jeans are tight. I feel like throwing everything out in my apt and starting over with nothing but veggies and fish. But I won’t because well, that would be plain dumb! I need to stop eating dinner so late at night for one thing. I should be closing the kitchen down at 6:30pm every night. I also need to stop screwing around on the computer every evening for hours and hours. That’s just unhealthy, and I will be the size of a building if I keep this up.

But sometimes I don’t care. I get tired of trying to eat right all the time, and then STILL…never mind. Not getting into it. Not now.

I hate how the evenings go so quickly, but the workday crawls. How the hell is it already almost 10pm? 🙁

I hate how my memory is going to hell. I have a family history of Alzheimer’s, so this cannot be good. I took a memory test on Tickle and scored a 67%. 🙁

I hate that I haven’t written a word in any novel for two or three months now, and I just don’t have to motivation to even bother with it anymore.

My apartment’s a mess and I’m too overwhelmed to give a flying banana.

I guess I’m crashing, finally. I was on this “I just got engaged” high for 12 days, and now the reality of life is setting back in. Work, crap policies, play on computer, sleep, work, play on computer, sleep SEE AiDAN! ♥ work, play on computer, sleep. I guess I can’t be expected to stay on that sort of high for 400+ days, but man, this sucks. All the waiting. It sucks.


I should go to go to bed. I’ll probably be awake until 1am, but at least I’ll be lying down.

Well, a lavender bath first. Then bed.


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Just Stuff

Well now. What a week it’s been! I had an awesome time in Chicago, what with getting engaged and all. I know, I’m a dork. I can’t stop grinning like a grinning thing when I think about it. And it comes over me at the most random times, like when I’m at Marc’s in the soap aisle.

Thanks to everyone who commented/emailed/wrote on our Facebook walls with their sincere congratulations! ♥ They really mean a lot to both of us.

Wedding planning is underway. Both moms are excited and on board. Now, we’re scoping for reasonably-priced Chicago-land venues. THAT is not an easy feat, let me tell you. We’ve also set an official date: November 01, 2008. We want to keep it very small, and it’ll be autumn-themed. I’ve also discovered The Knot. Holy cow. That site will cause me to lose a lot of sleep over the next 400 days. There is SO MUCH to see and read and look at and OMG.

Anyway, there is now wedding blog up where we both post: http://booknerdsinlove.blogspot.com
I’ll post most of the wedding craziness there. Feel free to bookmark and comment there.

In a few months, it’ll be December 20th. My birthday. I know it’s going to be on a Thursday because September’s days always line up with December’s days. And now that the days are lining up, I know it’s time to start thinking about Christmas. In an abstract sort of way, of course. I want to get Aidan a digital camera, and tons of little things. I love to watch him open presents. He’s soooo freaking cute. My mom’s already planning a boatload of stuff for him. I haven’t had to buy clothes for Aidan in about 18 months because my mom buys him so many outfits.

Speaking of Aidan, that little booger started preschool Monday! He’d started going to a small school in Pataskala in the summer, but Chris (zenosidal) got a job in Westerville, so he moved Aidan to a school that is closer (and frankly, nicer). He’s going to a Goddard school, and yesterday he told me all about it. He told me what his dad packs in his Spiderman lunchbox (the lunchbox that matches the backpack my mom got him), the kinds of activities he did, and about his new friend Dylan. He also told me that he’s a very good boy in school, which I believe. His progress sheet is so cute! It outlines all the things they did during the day. For example, yesterday, they played restaurant, they painted a picture with lollipops, and listened to a story about lollipops. They’re doing the five senses now, and Aidan told me he tasted something salty and something sweet. He wouldn’t try the lemon. I cannot wait to see what else he learns at this school! They’re teaching them so much, and he said he likes the way the teachers talk to him. They have nice voices, he says. Awwwww. I’m glad he’s enjoying school.

I’m very tired. Getting to bed before midnight has not been happening lately. I think I should get off the computer at about 9pm and take a bath in lavender, then read myself to sleep. That way, I can be asleep by 10:30pm at the latest. Because I am SO TIRED during the day and that’s not good. My body definitely prefers the night to the day.

Big Brother 8 has ended and Evel Dick has won. There was a lot of talk about the game being rigged so the Donatos would go to the final 2. Hmm. Strange things. My loyalties switched throughout the season, as they always do, but I would have loved to see Jameka take home the $500,000. Some episodes were crazy, I mean, what was UP with ED burning Jen? Then again, she was pretty dumb to keep trying to grab a lit cigarette from a man who didn’t like her. And the endurance part of the last HOH competition. Standing under FREEZING water for hours. Nice. I don’t think I’d have lasted ten minutes, but then again, I guess being fueled by the thought of $500,000 is a good motivator. I don’t know, this was one of the weirdest seasons. I missed a few seasons (I didn’t watch 1, 4, 5, or 6), but out of the ones I watched, this one had the weirdest set of people. My favorite all time player though, will always be Dr. Will. He was just sooo entertaining to watch. I’d love if they put BB2 on DVD.

When Big Brother 9 starts, I’ll either be living in Chicago, or getting ready to move there!

That’s all for now. ‘Til next time.

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An Update (Lots of Pictures/Survey)

Hello, LJ people.

Yes, I’ve been away. Well, not exactly. I’ve been reading, just not posting. And it’s not because I haven’t had much to say. Okay, sometimes that was the case. But often, I was just too tired to sit here and write an entry.

But I am here now, so sit back and brace yourselves. It might be a long one! 🙂

Here are the things I’ve done since I last posted:

– Took my laptop to Best Buy again because the power adapter thingy was overheating and melting the cord. I mean, it was getting uncomfortably hot. It will scald you. Was told that there was liquid damage to the motherboard and they wouldn’t fix it unless I paid them more than $1200. I told them to leave the computer as is. I’ll just not touch the damn AC adapter part. It’s at Best Buy now, waiting for me to pick it up. I’ll go get it tomorrow. Seriously, who’d pay $1200 to repair a two-year old laptop when one can buy TWO NEW ones for that price?

One of these days, I’m going to get a Mac.

– I’ve subscribed to a bunch of feeds; The Bargainist, WiseBread, zen habits, The Happiness Project. I call the folder they’re in “Lifestyle” The Bargainist has lists and lists of deals, free samples, coupon codes. It’s neat. Wisebread is a money-management blog. The other two are just for me to become more at peace and happier. Good stuff, those. I have a ton of feeds on my Google Reader, actually. It’s such a convenient way to get loads of info in one place.

– Downloaded the new version of Flock. Got irritated because the pages with feeds and searches on them kept bringing up this little bar that asked me if I wanted to subscribe to them. I finally went into configurations and turned them off. Now I like Flock again. Except I can’t figure out how to turn off the media stream notification. Ugh.

– Had my one-year evaluation at work. It went really well. The copy editors are all going to start taking classes for Copy Editing certification. We wanted to start this month, but we’re waitlisted. We’ll see what happens. At any rate, work has been really good lately. The new lead copy editor is very cool. I won’t have page proofs coming in until October (sigh), so I’m doing a lot of pick up work for marketing and leftover stuff for everyone else. Plus errata. Always errata. Boo to errata. But yay to the style guide coming together!

– Became ADDICTED to enchiladas from El Vaquero. Seriously, they are SOOOOO good. I had some yesterday for lunch. Yummy.

– Started listening to the following bands a lot: Lacuna Coil, Grateful Dead, and The Crüxshadows. I also decided that I love the song Breakin’ Dishes by Rihanna. And If Tha Mood by Esthero. More songs, too.

– Went to Atlanta to meet adamselzer‘s parents and also for Dragon*Con!

Read about and see pix from Atlanta/Dragon*Con

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Nothing says, ‘I have no idea what to get you,’ quite like giant beige bath towels. – Missbhavens

As usual, Sundays go way too quickly. It’s kind of annoying.

I decided to do the 101 in 1001. My list is here: 101 in 1001 || RonniStyle. My start date is tomorrow. I plan to keep most of my updates about it there, but I’ll probably talk about it here from time to time as well. I saw that lovely_lunai was doing it, and I think starlit12 is doing it as well. Good times.

Last weekend, Aidan and his dad went to Kentucky. Here are some pix from that trip:

…check it out…

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Live Journal is down at the moment, so I am posting here. Not that I have much to say or anything.

I’ve decided to do the 101 in 1001 thing. I’ve been compiling the list for a few days now, and I’d considered putting together a special Web page for it at Anywhere Is, but we’ll see. I’ll probably just do one on here. Another Blogger page. Heh.

The computer is lagging a bit, but it’s not as slow as it can be at times. The screen on my laptop is going. I just have to back up a few things, then I’m going to take it in soon. I have that three-year service plan, so I should hope I’d get a brand new computer. That whole issue with the scalding hot power adapter does not sit well with me either. It’s dangerously hot.

I need a new laptop anyway. I think it’s time. Again, I just have to back up some music (I think it might be backed up, actually) and a few graphics and documents, clear off all the sensitive data, and I should be all set. If the plan does indeed cover a new laptop due to the screen going out, then YAY. I can get a new one sooner than I anticipated.

But we’ll see. These days, seems like big companies don’t want to do anything but rip people off.

The lagging is annoying me, so I’m gonna run. Bedtime anyway. Byeeee.

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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