
Me Again.

Hi. I’m back again.

So, okay. I just got a POWNCE account (http://pownce.com/LilRonGal) and I have six invites. First come, first serve. Comment here if you want one! 🙂

And whoa? Nichole Richie is pregnant? As well as Christina Aguilera? People.com is letting me down, so I am like “is this stuff really true?” But Rosa says it is, so I’m going to go with her word.

Big Brother 8 starts in about 35 minutes. CBS works, but it’s snowy. Still, I’m not getting cable just for one show.

And Avril is releasing Hot, which is awesome because I LOVE that song.

I found a used video game store as I was walking to the post office. It has lots of cheap DVDs. That makes me happy.

When I was walking home, I came to a crosswalk. I had the right of way, but I was going to let the lady in the car go. She waved me across and smiled, so I waved a thank you and started to walk. This JERK in an SUV (surprise surprise) honked at her and started yelling and just…UGH! UGH!!!

Stupid bullies.

Okay, help me out here. There are tons of LJ anagrams out there that I just don’t know. Like:


What does that mean?????


See ya.

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Good Mail Day! (Pictures)

What constitutes a Good Mail Day for me:

1. No bills
2. A package
3. A letter

One or all of the above qualities. And all THREE happened today!

I got a package from Rosa (meimeigui) with two packages of stationery, pictures, and a new shirt.
Here I am modeling the shirt (picture one—uncombed hair and such, picture two—all nice and neat):

So, as you can see, Rosa has good taste. She can pick out my clothes any day. Er, actually, when clothes fly into her cart at Target, she can have me help her out with wearing them. And when MaiDo forces her to buy stationery that she can’t use because it’s pink, well, I’m VERY glad to help her out by using it myself.

Yeah, that’s it.

I have a feeling Aidan will approve of the shirt.

I’m totally wearing it to work tomorrow.

Thanks, Rosa!! ♥

Then, I got a letter from Wanda (wlotus). Wheeeee! I love good mail days. Now, the irony of all that is that I need to go to the post office. Eep. I mean, it’d be nice to be able to SEND the letters I’ll be writing, right?

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No opera plot can be sensible, for people do not sing when they are feeling sensible.

Man, what an up and down kinda day.

I always fight the alarm when it goes off, because there is no freaking way that it’s already time to get up in the mornings, you know? I’m such a night owl, mornings are hard for me. I’ve been like that since high school, so I don’t think it’s going to change. Man, a freelance job would be so amazing, because then I could indulge in my night owl tendencies. As it is, the DAY goes by so slowly…. trudge trudge trudge

I checked my email and had a nice one from adamselzer that made me smile, an email from Southwest Airlines telling me they’d given me my free flight (with drink coupons!) award, and an email from Netflix saying they’d reduced my monthly rate. Wooot.

I got into a brand new dentist today. That was neat. I got my teeth cleaned for the first time in, well, let’s not say. Unfortunately, there is some other work to be done (including surgery) that I absolutely cannot afford, so I won’t get getting any of that done for at least a year. My insurance only covers 80% of stuff (even cleanings—most insurances do 100% but OH not mine!) and I simply do not make enough money to incur any debt (cause there’s that pesky little thing called “making payments”), not that they’d give me credit anyway, given recent events. I have to go out and find a 2nd job. HOW, I don’t know. But I have to. Which sucks, unless I can find something freelance and involving editing. I have a hard time finding retail because I can’t work weekends (I have Aidan on the weekends).

But right now, my goal is Chicago, summer of 2008. That means I need to give up some things to make it there. Number one thing I’m doing is cancelling Netflix on July 15th. Why the 15th? Why not now, you ask? Because they don’t give partial refunds for a month already charged, and they just charged me on June 22nd or something like that. I’m getting my month. Also, I want to give them time to cancel the pending charge for July. I don’t need to see new movies all the time, and if things get better, I can go back. Another thing? Look for a second job, and in the meantime, pray I can write something a publisher will buy.

I have so many goals now.

– Move to Chicago | Summer 2008
– Find a job in Chicago | (no later than) Autumn 2008
– Get teeth fixed | Autumn 2008
– Go to grad school for either 1. creative writing 2. library science 3. primary education| 2009 or 2010
– Sell a novel | by 2010

To get there, that means:
– VERY little eating out (unless someone else is paying!). I’m talking once every two or three months at most.
– No more buying clothes (can’t gain anymore weight!!)
– No Netflix.
Rare road trips. My transportation expenses are already 4.9% over conventional wisdom per month. Gas prices and expensive mandatory insurance.
– No other unnecessary expenses.

Put plainly, to achieve any of my goals, I need more money. And as money tends to come in slowly for me, I have to figure out how to go out and get it… without getting arrested or something in the meantime.

Argh. Frustration.

But this cool. Look what I got in the mail (click to see bigger):


And randomly….

One of my favorite Bob Dylan songs:

Weird Al’s Parody:


PS – The quote in my subject can be attributed to: WH Auden

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Kind of a Neat Day

I woke up way early this morning. I’m talking 3am. Finally at 4am, I turned on the light and read a bit of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Again.

Then I managed to fall asleep for a little over an hour, and had a dream in which celinedion was prancing around and being very very very cool, as I’m sure she is in real life. Only in the dream she had this amazing haircut, and I think her hair is pretty normal in real life. Anyway, I had fun with the dream Erin, so I hope to meet the real one sometime in my life. 🙂

I packed two boxes full of books to lug to Half-Price Books after work. When I got to work, there was a mini flood in some of the parking lots and on the street. There had been a water main break over the weekend. The building had no water pressure, no running water, no bathrooms. I was starting to get restless, because I drink a lot of water and I have to pee a lot, and they were saying we had to go down the street to Tim Horton’s or BP to pee. I don’t think that’s very fair to the restaurants. Foot traffic, no business? Plus, isn’t it kind of dangerous to keep people working in a place where there would be no sprinkler system if a fire breaks out?

Hmm, I should check and see if ZB even HAS sprinklers…

Anyway, they closed the building at noon. Wheee! 😀 I went to Half-Price Books and turned in my two boxes. I ended up getting 3x what I expected, which was a nice surprise. She told me that most of my paperbacks were in really good condition, and that my YA books were by popular authors. So YaY. I stopped by the library and picked up my reserves. One of them is called Dream Factory, set in Disney World. (It’s really not helping my Disney craving, but oh well.) Went home, relaxed and read, played on the computer, talked with meimeigui, which is always fun. Looked for ideas for a tattoo (I’m pretty sure of what I want now, and where, now it’s just the time and place). Watched some of The Office on DVD, and ate a yummy dinner with lots of veggies.

Mmmm, veggies.

I can’t believe how much I crave green vegetables now! Just a year ago, it was just… rarely on my mind. And now, I feel weird if I don’t get a fruit or a vegetable every day.

I like this! Because grapes and spinach (not together!) are God’s gift. GOD’s freakin’ gift, I tell ya.

Mmm, spinach.

What else neat happened? Well, I felt well-rested today because I’d spent most of the weekend lying around, napping and reading. That was sooo nice. Got most of my stuff out of Bauer Street. Just a bit more to go. It’s kind of sad, you know. I just keep leaving homes behind. Maybe one day I’ll settle down.

I finally watched Borat. When i first got Borat out of the DVD sleeve, I thought that someone had snuck in a bootleg copy. Then I realized it was meant to look like that. Hahaha. The movie was okay. I enjoyed some parts a lot, but honestly, I can take it or leave it. I won’t be sad if I never see it again, but I wouldn’t object if someone wanted to put it on, you know? It’s just like how I feel about Papa John’s pizza. I won’t turn it down if it’s there, but I won’t pursue it. You’ll never hear me say “Let’s order Papa John’s!” Next on the Q is Rent. People keep telling me the show is better, but I don’t think I’ll be seeing that anytime soon. So, the movie. There are three good reasons to try it out: Aaron Lohr, Rosario Dawson, Taye Diggs. Yes. Plus the song Seasons of Love is really cool.

Now I’m finally starting to get tired. But I don’t have to be up quite as early because we’re having a breakfast meeting offsite! I’ve been doing errata on these little readers which is neat because I get to read tons and tons and tons of little books, looking for mistakes. My favorite was:

Pepper’s curiosity was peaked.

Anyone know why that sentence is wrong? Correct it in the comments if you do! 8)

There’s a dog barking outside my window. Sometimes, if the dog barks, this lady yells out her window “SHUT UP, YOU DUMB DOG!” Like that’s helping ANYONE.

I’ve realized that out of the six HP books out so far, that Order of the Phoenix is my least favorite one, and Goblet of Fire is my favorite one. I also like the first one a lot, and I enjoy learning about Tom Riddle in Half-Blood Prince. As I read the books and start to drift as I get relaxed, my mind starts going crazy places. For example, I wonder if Fawkes will play a role in Book 7. How about Tonks and Lupin? How will Dumbledore’s portrait help, if at all? Just a few of the little things floating around in my mind. Not much longer ’til all the questions are answered.

Mmmmm, pain-killing pills are starting to take hold now. I hope they actually get to working on the actual painful parts on me and not just make me all fuzzy yummy ZZZzzzZZZZzzzzZZZ

‘Til next time….

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It’s been a while, again. I still primarily update at my LiveJournal, but for the two of you (if even that many) who still lurk around here, well, here’s a quick rundown:

1. I went to Chicago to visit Adam the first weekend in May.
2. It was during that trip that I started making concrete plans about moving/living there.
3. I took Aidan to visit my mom for Mother’s Day. Got a flat tire on the way home. Went back to my mom’s for an extra night.
4. Check engine light came on in the car, and went off randomly.
5. Went to Indianapolis with three of my co-workers for a copy editor’s convention. It was neat, and the weather was perfect.
6. Went to San Jose/San Francisco during Memorial Day weekend for Rosa’s wedding. It was awesome.
7. Got my car broken into, my iPod and a pair of sunglasses stolen.
8. Fell into a depression and generally felt tearful and unstable for several days.
9. Quit writing about 485 times.

I also started a YA book review site: Ronni’s Reviews. Freaked out when the check engine light came on AGAIN (this time it went off after two days). Felt out of it, lost, rejected, lonely, and hopeless. Not a good combo.

And that leads me to now. Trying to eat better, trying to be more mentally healthy, and EVEN TRYING TO EXCERCISE.

I need to get the bedtime thing down, though. My nightowl tendencies are frighteningly strong, however….

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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