I have nothing to say.
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my scramblings & ramblings
I have nothing to say.
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While I was waiting on my lunch to be cooked, a man asked me if I had a big sister as pretty as I was.
That’s four people in the past two weeks who have told me that I’m pretty. 😀
(And he obviously probably thought I was 16 or so, what with my Mickey Mouse handbags and my lunch consisting of a hotdog and tator tots).
However, I now smell like smoke because my hotdog was frozen and took about 15 minutes to cook. I’ll have to do something about that before The Grove.
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I think I’m getting sick again. This seems to happen every single time Aidan goes to be with his grandmother. Grrr.
I feel a bit lightheaded and my throat is a little scratchy. I have a chiro appointment tonight–hopefully she can get that “life” flowing so this cold never has a chance to flourish at all.
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I went to Kohl’s today, anticipating purchasing a new wool coat. My current one is a few years old and there are holes developing all over.
I came out of Kohl’s with everything BUT a coat. (The one I liked; they didn’t have in my size). They are having the most amazing sale. A million things in the store are buy one get one free. Candles, photoalbums, picture frames, towels, rugs, luggage, jeans, shirts just to name a few. And what isn’t buy one get one free is buy one get one half off. Or some percentage off. Christmas items are 80% off! I got a $30 table runner for $6! And there are clothes for 70% off. I got a $40 sweater/scarf/hat/mittens set for $12. And another sweater for $7.
I had a blast there. I LOVE Kohl’s, which is why I don’t go there often. That place is DANGEROUS.
Today at work, my boss gave me a document to edit. He asked me to come into his office and point out exactly what I edited and I could tell he was totally impressed. I know more and more that my true calling needs to be in the English/writing field, not secretarial.
I have a long day tomorrow. Work all day, chiropractor, Craig’s, then The Grove and whatever adventures await when that’s over. Wednesday, Aidan heads up to see his grandmommy for a week. Early Thursday morning I drop Craig and Chris off at the airport and then I’m person-responsibility free for a week! Woohoooo! 😀
Things to do:
– call Mommy
– put away laundry
– call Irena
– answer 10 emails
– hang out with Becky at least once more before she goes back to school
– play DDR
– write, write, write!
I must admit, I am a bit jealous. Chris gets to stop in Vegas during his trip. VEGAS, I tell ya. Weinerschnitzel is there. I’ve been craving that place. Mmm, yummy hotdogs. Yummy Bellagio food. Yummy SHOPPING.
Good night.
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