Month: January 2005

Protected: Reasons

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Slightly Cranky

I HATE having stupid, scary dreams.

I dreamed of floods and fires and disappearing homes and cars and ugh. At least it was a dream, but still.

I also dreamed that Tyler got so overstimulated and frustrated by the amount of people bothering him that he puked all over the floor. Gross.


Now I’m cranky. Not even sure I want to bother with church. Meh, I’ll probably go and listen to the message, but I have no interest in hearing the singing/worship music. Hmm. Maybe I’ll go now, avoid the parking mess, and journal in the cafe or the Connection Center.

I’m still going to avoid the music though.

At least there is shopping with Kelle Belle (itskels) to look forward to! πŸ˜€ Although I have to control myself today. I’ve been shopping too much (AGAIN) and I need to just STOP.

Even though it makes me so happy. πŸ™

Okay, be back later.

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Is This Thing On?

My plans got a bit rearranged! I got a call from Tina Weena asking me out to dinner and to a movie. I couldn’t make the dinner because I wanted to take a shower first, but I did join her, Kim, Tami, and Tricia to see Meet The Fockers. That movie was adorable! πŸ™‚

But I did clean my room before I went, YAY!

I didn’t get to do my hair though. My kit had everything but the neutralizing shampoo and that’s kinda sorta VITAL to the relaxing process. So I’ll pick up a kit and do my hair Sunday night, I think.

Just ate some Ramen noodles, and I’m about to embark on some Ho-hos and Concord. πŸ˜› Yummmm.

Later, gators! πŸ™‚

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