My Saturday ended up being really great! πŸ˜€

Started off that I got up early ON MY OWN! I got up about 9:40ish. Chris was leaving to get Aidan, so I finished the 3rd A-List novel. Then I got ready and ran some errands before heading over to the cute little church at the Ohio Historical Society for John B. & Sara’s wedding. Weddings always make me a bit sad for several reasons, but Sara looked adorable. Plus the wedding was just wacky. Weird music, they busted a lot of traditions which is always good. Their version of ‘Here Comes The Bride’ was amazing.

Afterwards, Emily thrust a can of silly string at me and demanded that I spray them. Seeing as I had a handful of birdseed and my camera, I knew this would be a trick. But I pulled it off and MY silly string didn’t get on the bride or groom and stain their pretty white clothes! πŸ˜€

The reception was fun. Here is me and the gorgeous bride:

I sat with Emily and Bizzy and we ate and took pictures and hung out. The fun began once everyone truly relaxed and mingled and the dancing started! πŸ˜€ I danced with Jon C., Krista, Emily, Bizzy, Monica, and the other Emily! It had been a long time since I danced with my friends. It was awesome!

I had a great time, and John and Sara are totally made for each other. Check out this picture:

Yeah. The tongues hanging out of their mouths is a true indication there. πŸ™‚ WHO DOES THAT? HAHAHA.

One of the highlights of my night was singing “Pour Some Sugar On Me” at the top of my lungs along with Bizzy as I was taking her home. WOW. This is me being a dork, but I always dreamed of singing a song really loudly with a girlfriend while driving at night (a la Crazy by Aerosmith video). I got that wish tonight! πŸ™‚ Then, spending time with Emily S is always amazing. Always. πŸ˜€ And swinging on the twirly swing with Tyler and Krista was sooo much fun and crazy. I stopped once one of the swings hit me in the face! EEK!

Afterwards, Rob, Monica, Emily and another Emily, Becky, Tyler and I went and watched Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. GREAT MOVIE. Pretty different from the book, but still good. The actresses they got to play those parts were perfect. Especially Bridget–I didn’t think girls really looked like her. Then we all hung out at Emily S’s house and well, hung out. Played with our cameras, played on the computer (I have never seen Emily so emotional!), shot the breeze. Good times, good times.

I love being with my friends. They make me so happy. πŸ˜€
