Day: November 14, 2005


I feel like doing a sort of mushy post, and to write about what inspires me in regards to my writing. Those of you on my F-List, feel free to copy this for your own journals.

What and Who Inspires Me:
1. Reading author/writer/agent blogs.
2. Chatting with my mentor (smile!) Lauren (laurenbarnholdt), because she’s quite a few steps ahead of me in following her dreams, but not so far that she’s unreachable. In addition, she is upbeat, positive, and encouraging. We already have plans for me to be sitting next to her when she goes on her book tours, so she can pimp my book too! :D (this means I have to sell something before long…)
3. Sarah Dessen (writergrl). She says that even if she hadn’t been published, she’d still be writing, she loves it that much. I know that I’m the same. Plus, she writes amazing stories with unforgettable characters. I hope I am half the writer she is.
4. When people tell me “you ARE a good writer, dangit!” (Much thanks to Rebecca Vinyard for that!)
5. The support from my friends and family.

So, I CAN’T give up. I love writing too much. There’s that *feeling* I get in the pit of my stomach when I know something great is brewing inside of me. When there is a story dying to be told. I know I’ll write, even if I never sell a single book, but I can’t NOT write. It’s a part of me, it’s ingrained in me, it’s in my very nature.

And time for me to work/write/dream.


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