Month: June 2007

More Rambling

I just realized that I’m fiilled with anger. Anger and hatred. Two very bad things to be filled with. I’m just… bitter, and I spend a lot of time just kind of stewing in these negative emotions. I sit around, scared at what bad thing is going to happen next. And I’ve become overly cautious and panicky. I’m scared to even walk to the library anymore.

What’s bugging me is that I’ve been saying, about people, “I hate _________.” I don’t like to talk, think, speak like that, and I’ve said it about three people over the past week or so. I don’t like it. One bit.

This week, I plan to go to Gentle Wind and see about getting my car smudged, or smudging it myself. I swear, I fill up with tons of negative energy at the thought of getting in the car, and while I am IN the car. Then I’m in an awful, hate-filled, angry funk for hours and hours. I’m broke as hell, but I’m gonna stay that way unless some adjustments are made. There’s bad energy in there and I want it out.

Although apparently, someone graffitied the dumpsters. I’ve decided to park my car closer to the front of the building until winter comes back.

I’ve been reading this book called Ultrametabolism. It’s supposed to be this way of reprogramming your body to get a higher metabolism, instead of the sluggish ones Americans tend to have. The author says that the way we do things—eating less and exercising more—is actually causing us to get fatter because we throw ourselves into starvation mode. So, we may lose weight, but it’s a combination of fat and muscle. When we go out of the whole “diet,” we gain it back all as fat, which is harder to lose. The cycle continues until we’re overweight with no way out. In addition, when you’re starving, ANYTHING your body gets in—it’s going to hold on to it like crazy. Another reason why gaining weight is so easy and losing it is so hard.

So this book says that just about everything we eat is WRONG. Breads, pastas, anything processed. We should be trying to eat things that our bodies use and metabolize, rather than sugars and empty carbs that simply get stored as fat. Okay, good idea, I thought. But then I started reading, and man. The stuff that’s the best for us all of course, is the most expensive stuff, and most hard-to-find stuff. Yes, I agree that an organic apple in its raw form is the best thing for my body, but at this point, I can’t really afford it, ya know? Another reason is that I simply don’t like things like nuts, bananas, onions, etc. I’m addicted to all the “bad” stuff, and I’ll need lots of money and patience with myself to be able to detox and start this plan.

I’ve managed to lose five pounds over the past week due to stress and loss of appetite. I’d like to keep them off, thank you very much. So I know I’m going to have to make some changes once the money situation turns around. The fact that I’ve been craving veggies should say something. I really want to eat better, not just for the sake of being thin, but because I just do. I don’t know if I can do this Ultrametabolism plan, though. Phase I is pretty much cutting out EVERYTHING except certain fruits and vegetables, lots of beans, and skinless chicken and turkey. It’s to detox, of course, but still. Dang. Three weeks of no bread, not even whole wheat? In fact, whole wheat anything is not allowed. Nothing dairy (hello, osteoporosis risk much?) Actually, just about anything you or I would normally eat is not allowed.

I don’t want to do anything drastic. I just want to start eating better. More veggies. Less pasta (I mean, maybe I can go down to spaghetti once a week instead of 2–3 times a week). Fewer processed meats and other foods. I don’t think I’m doing any detox or anything like that (although I’ve been kind of tempted to try the thing that makes you poop out a five-foot-long log, just to see what it’s like). I am going to try to get back on the Coenzyme Q10, though. I LOVED that stuff when I was on it several years ago.

I’m ready to be better, guys. I’m tired of walking around in this grey haze, see-sawing between feeling pathetic and numb.

Plus, my Harry Potter action figure will put a hex on me if I don’t stop moping.

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Rambling (Pictures)

I picked up two interesting books at the library today. One, the title I will not disclose to protect the um… not so innocent. The other is The Twinkies Cookbook by Hostess. Among some of the recipes I’d like to try:

Twinkie Easter Egg Hunt – uses Twinkies, maraschino cherries, marshmallow creme, chocolate chips, and jelly beans, and chocolate pudding mix. Probably 9,000 calories, but fun.
Twinkie Burrito – tortillas, chocolate sauce, Twinkies, and strawberries.
Twinkie Kebabals – Twinkies, fruit, marshmallows, and wooden skewers.
Twinkie Fantasy – Twinkies, strawbery Jell-O, strawberries, vanilla pudding mix, whipped topping.

There is even a gorgeous Twinkie wedding cake.

I think I need to buy this book.

But I will NOT be trying the “Twinkies with Meat” recipes in the back. Ewwww.

I want gift cards to Barnes & Noble or Borders! Guess what’s on my list this Christmas. It’s a small one. Heh.

Speaking of bookstores, I found this in the window of Cover to Cover today:

Yay for adamselzer!

Boo to the downstairs neighbor and his loud-ass media equipment.

You know, I don’t get it. Why is HE allowed to play his stereo/TV/video games as loud as he wants, but let Aidan run down the hall once every three weeks and the neighbor lady screams her head off like he’s making constant noise all the time? I swear, the reasons against living here in Columbus are stacking up so quickly it’s almost knocking me over. Only about 400 or so days ’til I move to Chicago.

In other words, I feel incredibly pathetic. A great number of my friends have dumped me. In a way that’s good, because I guess it weeds out those who shouldn’t really matter anyway, but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t hurt sometimes. The good thing about it is that when I move, I won’t be leaving a whole lot behind. The bad things is that I have well over a year to feel pathetic.

The thing is, my closest friends I talk to mainly on the Internet. There are a few local people I could call, but I have this whole ‘fear of rejection’ thing going on because just about everytime I’ve asked someone to do something in the past few months, I’ve gotten NOs. So I figure I won’t call anymore. It’s just easier that way.

Oh well. Whatever. As I said to swankivy yesterday: Ronni = loses at friendship. Even though I have 104 Facebook friends now.

Aidan was extra cute today. We had a date at McDonalds. I ordered Happy Meals for us both, and the lady gave him two toys! He got a “Gingy” and a “Donkey.” Donkey actually smelled like a donkey…

I can’t figure out why McGraw-Hill sent me an employee benefits handbook. Or how Victoria’s Secret found me and why they decided to send me a catalog.

Been rereading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I realize I’m early, but I’ve been in the mood. Maybe this is why:


Yes, Harry, I do *ahem* love *cough* you and *blink* adore you.

*runs and hides*

In other news, I’ve officially given up on writing for now. I just can’t focus, not with all the bullshit that keeps happening. Today was supposed to be my day to start back. But I can’t do it. I’m not finding joy in it anymore. I’m not finding joy in too much of anything these days, but oh well. I’ll get back to it when I am in a better headspace, not to mention life space.

Uh oh.

What’s that Harry?

He says to stop whining and get off here. So I’m off.


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Back On A Break

Not sure when I’ll be posting here again (as if I wasn’t posting sparadically enough!). I just don’t have the mental capacity/energy/mojo to bother with the writing world for now. I was stressing too much about getting it back. Feeling guilty because I wasn’t sitting around cranking out thousands of words of manuscript every month.

Now I just don’t care. There’s no joy in it for me anymore. Not right now, at least.

Maybe things will change. I don’t know. But for now, I have to let go.

So that’s what I’m doing.


(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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Aidan is currently sitting in time out, screaming his head off because of the following:

01. He lost the DVD remote again.
02. He demanded that I find the remote.
03. I told him that because he lost it, and he wants it, that he needs to go find it.
04. He yelled at me, and told me NO, I needed to find it.
05. I told him, again, that he needed to find the remote if he wanted to use it.
06. He stormed into his room, screaming that he was mad at me, then slammed the door.
07. He came out, smiling, and demanded I find the remote again.
08. Repeat of numbers 3–6.
09. Then he HIT me.
10. I said OH NO.
11. He ran into my room and locked the door.
12. I told him to unlock that door RIGHT NOW. He did.
13. I picked him up and put him on the ottoman and told him time out for five minutes.
14. He’s been sitting there wailing every since.

Seriously, how in the fresh hell does he think it’s my responsibility to look for the remote HE lost? Good Lord. He’s the one who wants to watch all those silly cartoons and such. He’s old enough to know better, but I see I’m going to have to teach him not to blame his problems on other people. And the hitting? Oh HELL no. I am NOT having it. NOT having it.

I think he needs a nap.

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