
Raise Your Hands!

If anyone out there has flip-flop shaped tan lines on his/her feet, please say “AYE!”

(Ronni says “aye” in a little voice).

Things I have to do tomorrow/this weekend:

– Drop off school supplies at the church.
– Buy baby wash and shampoo for Aidan.
– Clean the master bathroom.

So, speaking of bathrooms…

(As posted in my AIM profile):
You know, it’s probably not a good thing to get out of the bathtub and find that the lower part of one’s body–coincidentally, the part that was immersed–is bright red.

I must have made the water too hot again.


Everyone please pray/hope/think about Chris tomorrow morning, okay? πŸ˜‰

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Lunchtime Chatter

I don’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing that it’s Wednesday, lunch time, and I have nothing in my inbox, and only 2 things on my To Do list, both of which are pending further information before I can take action on them. I do have some filing to do, but I’m saving that for this afternoon.

I’m looking forward to tonight. Small group, party for Tami’s return. Good times, man. Good times. I love having people over to my house. I want to challenge someone at a game of Tetris Attack. Who’s up for that? Huh? Huh? You want a piece of me?

Seriously, I’m excited. I have new board games to play, the video game systems are back in commission, and naturally, I am looking forward to the time with my friends.

I’m happy because it’s Pay Day, my bills will be caught up after I pay them tonight, and I’ll be able to breathe the next two weeks. Barring that I do something stupid like splurge on something unecessarily. I’m going to go back to the old-fashioned way. If I want something, I’m going to save up ’til I have the money to pay cash.

And that’s kicking your a$$.
(I’ll give candy to the person who can tell me what movie that was from.)

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Jibber Jabber

Woo. I am unbelievably tired. You have no idea how tired I am. I’m not sure how I’m still going, exactly…

So, I was doing a survey, and the the survey was about baby care products. It asked me if I was the mother of the child, blah blah blah. I answered YES. So, it KNEW I was the mom. So why did it ask me if I was a male or a female?

My boss had yellow police tape across his cube/office so no one would bother him today.

I need to slow down. I’m wearing myself thin and it’s not healthy at all. I’m starting to feel overwhelmed and torn in a million different directions, the biggest arrow pointing towards Aidan. If anyone tells you that children aren’t work, they are LYING though their teeth. Being a mom is the hardest job ever. Especially a working mom (working 9 to 5, πŸ™‚ Kelly P)

I’m really looking forward to having a week to myself in four weeks. Chris is taking Aidan on a boy’s trip to the mountains for a week, which means seven glorious days of me time! I won’t know how to handle it. It will be so weird to have little responsibility and all the free time to do whatever I want. I’m sure I’ll miss Aidan a LOT, but it will be awesome to have a break.

Forgive me if I’ve alread posted about that. Meep.

I could go for a long, long, long nap right now. I just don’t think it will happen. I won’t get to sleep until at least midnight, as usual. I’m worried that I’m getting sick. I just feel so tired and weak all the time. And achy. It just seems so bleak when all I want is to sleep and the prospect of doing such a thing is approxiamately 12 hours away. That’s a long, long time when you’re tried.

But oh well. I brought it on myself. I thought I was doing well, getting to bed by 1:30. No, that’s BAD. I need to be in bed by 11 at the latest. It’s hard when Aidan won’t go to bed until after 11, and I still have 239848 things to do after then. Ugh.

I’m not going to dwell, though.

I saw Katie’s daddy this morning at work! He was coming out of the elevator as I was going in. Funny, because I was thinking of her a lot on the way in. I need to see her soon.

Tami comes home next week! Tuesday! How exciting is that? It’s been so long since I’ve seen her. She’s going to have to get her body back on USA time. I can’t wait to see her. Wow. I can’t believe she’s been gone nearly 10 weeks. Hard to believe that 10 weeks has gone by.

OOooo, I could so go for a massage right now. Deep tissue. Mmmmm.

Alright then. I guess I am done babbling nonsense. Remind to never update when I am dead tired. I just don’t think I’m making much sense.

Later gators.

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