The Verdict

So, I went and checked the votes, and by an overwhelming majority, Text Twist comes out ahead. So I downloaded it, with the intent to purchase, and found that they gave me yet another 60 minute free trial!

So I’m playing it again, to see if I really want it. Now it’s down to Bookworm and Text Twist–both games I LOVE a lot. I just got some good news today, news that will mean more income, so I COULD get them both… but not at the same time of course. Just a matter of which one I get first, and which one I wait a few months for. πŸ˜€


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No Point. Really.

I hate when I leave in the morning, and I’m about 1/3 of the way to work, and I start to panic.

Did I put the garage door down? Oh crap. I forgot to close the garage. Oh my God. People will steal all my shit. Crap, crap, crap.

But then, I got the bright idea to call my across-the-street neighbor aka Aidan’s part-time sitter. At first, I didn’t think she’d answer–they have this privacy blocker on their phone, all sorts of weird stuff–but I got through. She told me I’d put the garage door down.


I ate another grilled ham and cheese sandwich today for lunch. The bad thing is that I’d started craving the damn thing at 11pm last night. It was so good, I ate it in ten minutes.

Finished reading Feed by M.T. Anderson. It was a captivating book, but I didn’t get ANY closure at the end. That frustrated me.

I went to Best Buy to see if they had any of the three games I wanted in box form. They had NONE. Which is too bad because I have a reward zone certificate I need to redeem.

I’d considered joining my friends at Bon Vie to celebrate Caty’s birthday. But that’s like, $20 per person to eat there, and I’m feeling very cheap these days.

Then I thought about going to Barnes & Noble to pick up New Moon, but then I decided I didn’t feel like going, nor did I feel like spending the money. I’ll get it Wednesday, when I will have time to kill. It’s not as expensive as I thought it’d be, which is always a good thing.

Now, I will be a lazy, reading bum all evening. Ciao!

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Official Yet Unofficial Break

I’ve been going crazy, working on my two WIPs and really getting nowhere. I just can’t get the stories to gel the way I want, yet.

Therefore, I’m putting all writing on the back burner. Until October.

BUT I’m not going to stop myself if something hits me before then. But until October, all pressure is off. My agent has two books now, so I think it’s okay for me to rest a bit. Right?

I think I WILL work on character sketches and things like that to keep me in shape, but I won’t stress about writing a freakin’ novel. And I’ll always be updating my lilrongal journal, my private journal, and my written journal. I’ll be writing. Just not working. I think the break will be good.

October is a magic writing month for me. So there is no need to try to force it now.

*feels weight lift from chest*

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Folks, I am in the market for a new computer game. There are three that I currently LOVE, but I am limiting myself to ONE, seeing as they’re $19.99 each. I cannot decide between Text Twist, Bookworm Deluxe, or Boggle Supreme. I am equally addicted to all three games, and I love playing them all. When the free trial runs out, I mourn a little bit. In addition, these games help increase my word power and keep me thinking.

What do you recommend I buy? Tell me why in the comments.

Thanks!! πŸ™‚

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Random Recap (Pictures)

Wednesday night:

Rob came over, and I made him spaghetti. The only sauce I had was onion, garlic and something or other else. I didn’t think I’d like it, but after avoiding the onions, it turned out to be VERY tasty. Rob liked it too. I made “garlic bread” out of wheat hamburger buns with butter and Taylor Street cheese sprinkle on top. Oh YUMMMM. We also had a good conversation outside by his car.

Rob is always enjoyable company. πŸ™‚

Uploaded pix to Deviant Art site. I might be addicted to photo posting sites–but nothing will compare to my Flickr. πŸ™‚

What I did last night:

Finally fixed the time settings on my camera, so it wouldn’t say AM when it should say PM.

Decided I needed to figure out how to use the fully manual functions on my camera.

Went down to The Basement (inside Fat Eddie’s) to see Tony Lucca (of former MMC fame) open for Marty Casey (?) and the Love Hammers. Tony was amazing, but he wasn’t really meeting with any fans after the show, which sucked. I wanted a picture with him, so I could compare it to when I met him in 1993.

Was told by the guys that I wasn’t allowed to take pictures with my nice camera at the request of the band. AFTER I’d taken several of Tony already (not knowing this request). They’re afraid I’ll sell them.

I laughed at that. Seriously, who’d want to buy these?

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