A Sense of Urgency

Have you ever felt like the second you do something you enjoy, that you have to rush and do as much as you can because you KNOW it’s going to be cut short? Usually, there is some obligation or responsiblity scheduled to take away the joy of the moment, at least for me.

It’s like “I’m relaxed and having fun but in five minutes I’m going to have to do [insert responsible boring considerate whatever obligation here] so I’d better RUSH and do as much as I can (usually this is when I am on the internet and then the website I’m working on slows to a CRAWL–damned MySpace), or I’m getting to the good part in a book before I have to leave the happy place and go please other people. Or try to sleep. Or answer the phone. Or SOMETHING. Or before I’m interrupted AGAIN (usually by Aidan) for one reason or another.

Sidenote: I’d like to whine about Aidan for a moment. WHY is it that he asks the same question over and over, and even after he gets the same answer from me over and over, he rephrases it? It drives me INSANE. Example:

Aidan: Is that a tower?
Me: Yes, it’s a tower.
Aidan: Is that a tower?
Me: Mmm-hmm.
Aidan: Is it?
Me (getting annoying): Yes, Aidan, it’s a tower.
Aidan: It’s a tower?
Me: Yes.
Aidan: No it’s not.
Me: HUH?
Aidan: It’s not a tower!
Me: Why did you ask me what it was if you knew that it wasn’t a tower (for the record, it IS a tower)
Aidan: What is it?
Me (finally): Aidan, I’m not going to tell you again. You know what it is.

Silence for a while, until he thinks of something else to ask me over and over.


In unrelated news, I really want to read SMALL TOWN GIRL by LaVyrle Spencer again. It’s been years since I’ve read it and I’m kind of wanting to revisit that book. It’s such a good one. But I have a stack of library books to read (including the infamous HOW OPAL MEHTA GOT KISSED, GOT WILD, AND GOT A LIFE), Lauren’s REALITY CHICK, and a bigger stack of books that I picked up from Barnes & Noble that have been patiently waiting for months for me to get to them! Ack!

Well, I guess it was related because I feel so CONFLICTED with time! Like, work days tend to go VERY SLOWLY. I’ve been doing product check-ins for about a week now. The past few days, it’s been Physical Science with Earth. Book after book of Physical Science with Earth. I have to make sure the pages are in order, that the corrections were made, that the books don’t have stupid stuff in them like the editor’s note I found in one of the workbooks, or the ones with the outdated Periodic Table of Elements splashed everywhere. That gets tedious after a while, and by 2:30 I’m ready to poke a pen in my eye (okay, take a nap actually), but I push through because they need to be done, and it’s important to me that the books are correct.

The evenings are what speed by, unless I’m doing something I HAVE to do, like an OBLIGATION. Then it creeps. But once I’m doing something I enjoy, it speeds!! And there seems to be all the time in the world for the stuff I HAVE to do, but no time for the stuff I want to do. Hence my book queue. The unopened DVDs and Playstation 2 games from 2004…things of that nature. I think I have to resign myself to picking ONE fun activity a night (or week) to focus on, because there is simply no time for more than that. There is too much fun stuff I want to do: read my books, WRITE, take pictures, shop, watch DVDs, play DDR…but something else usually needs to be done. Or I get so distracted and flustered that I don’t really focus truly on one thing and I feel totally ADD or totally like saying “Screw it all. I’m going to sleep.” But then, I’m so anxious for certain days to get here, it seems they will never get here even as I’m feeling time slip away.

What a paradox.

And that my friends, is all. For real.

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If There Was Ever Any Doubt…

Chatting with adamselzer on a fine Sunday evening…

Ronni: did you change your LJ layout?
Adam: ya
Ronni: are you swedish now?
Adam: bork
Ronni: DORK is more like it
Adam: truegen

Sigh. What are we going to do with him?

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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So Freaking Productive!

So, I cleaned out my drawers today, and managed to free up two of them. I reorganized, and now I have an official sock drawer. Two drawers for pajamas (one for sets, one for separates and long-sleeved winter stuff), a drawer for tank tops, and a drawer for tee-shirts.

I packed away a LOT of stuff. Things I don’t wear anymore, or things that are worn out, or things that are simply not in season. Let me tell you how awesome it was to get rid of the 38D bras I wore when I was pregnant! And the big granny panties, ugh. Good riddance to those. And yes, I know I was pregnant like 3.5 years ago. I’m sometimes slow when it comes to getting rid of things!!!!

Laundry is still being done, so there is room left in the drawers for the stuff that’s being cleaned right now. How exciting!

I hung up clothes, I cleaned my room… I even thoroughly vaccummed (and when I say thoroughly, I mean used the attachments and everything). I even went to Meijer and Target and bought things to put all those clothes in!

So now I must reward myself… hmmm…. with food, preferably. 🙂

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Weekend Recap (Pictures)

Okay, I know the weekend isn’t officially over, but I wanted to post anyway. Good times, man. Good times.

Friday night, Bob and Bizzy came over. We had pasta bake and watched Dazed and Confused and The Boondock Saints. But I didn’t finish BS because Ivy (swankivy) called! What fun that was. We are such dorks. The funny thing is that she’s one of my best friends and has been since 1998, but we don’t talk on the phone often at all. Most of our communication is long emails and IMs and Live Journal entries. So, actually talking to her was loads of fun, especially with the stories she had for me. Great times!!

Saturday, I woke up at 11am! And that wasn’t even on my own–Aidan came in and took off my face mask. Boy was it BRIGHT! Instant headache. It did fade for the most part, though. Headed down to New Concord for a wine-tasting, only I didn’t taste much wine. A storm blew in–violent but quick. I wasn’t scared! To give you some perspective–thunderstorms used to freak me the hell out. I mean, I’d have all out panic attacks where I’d curl into a ball, stuff my fingers in my ears, and practically cry. I’d be shaking uncontrollably. The more severe the storm, the worse the attack. But this one, I was wishing I could get outside and take some pictures. I did get a picture of the storm rolling in, though:


Came back here and took a nap with Aidan, then headed to the stores for some shopping. Went to Nordstrom to pick up my 7s. I got them in April, but in the tradition of expensive jeans, they were WAY too long, so I got them tailored. Now they fit perfecty. See, here’s the thing about 7s. The girl told me that once I bought a pair, I’d never want to go back to regular jeans. I thought “nah, I like my American Eagle jeans all right.” But she was right! All I want now are 7s. They fit perfectly. They’re as comfy as pajamas. And I look awesome in them. So of course I want more pairs, but they’re expensive. So I must refrain.

Anyway, I went to Gentle Wind (where I got my aura read and picked up the Nag Champa incense), and then headed to Target for laundry detergent and hangers. So now that I have that stuff, guess what’s on the agenda for today. Yup, laundry and hanging up, folding, and/or organization of clothing. So fun. NOT.

I still have to unpack from my trip out west! Then I get to finish packing for Chicago, but that will be a lot easier. I don’t plan on checking any bags. That’ll make things so much easier.

Anyway, I leave you with a couple more pictures:

Wet Rose
Wet rose in the yard after a rain

Mr. Aidan
Mr. Aidan. Three going on thirty. 🙂

Okay, now I’m mad. Chris KNEW I was planning on doing laundry today. I haven’t done it in ages and was way overdue. I am NEVER motivated to do laundry. SO WHY IN THE FRESH HELL DID HE PUT HIS CRAP IN THE MACHINE? He NEVER finishes–meaning that he leaves stuff in the dryer all the time. Grrrrrrrrrr. Like whoa. So tempted to take it out and put in on the floor. I mean, seriously. Grrrr.

ETA: Okay, okay, so he did my laundry too. *feels sheepish*

And Aidan is peeling the designs from his shirt for some reason. What is with boys this week?


‘Til next time!

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