Looking Up…?

I had a crap, crap, CRAPPY day.

Sort of.

It started when I realized I’d lost my wallet. Then I was constipated. Then I couldn’t sleep. And broadband was down.

I woke up, and thankfully the constipation was over. (HAHA, TMI, anyone??)

I checked my email. I’m still pissed about one I got, but this person is no longer in my life (good riddance) so I know I’ll be able to shrug this off pretty soon. In the meantime, he can live with his delusion of his perfection. I don’t have to deal with it, or him anymore and this is a GOOD THING.

I have friends who are amazing. I can’t thank them enough for talking me through today as challenge after challenge popped up. Kelle Belle (itskels), Helen (pixiedash), Jen (hardlywait), Aimzy (verytruly), Star (selfstyled), Mr. Matt (mr_matt42), and Jennifoo (maids), thank you sooooo very much. *feels loved* <3 AND I FOUND MY WALLET!!! It was in the church parking lot. Everything was in it. All my cash, debit cards, credit cards, gift cards. It had apparently fallen out of my car. It was lying there, on the dirty ground that was the same color as the wallet. To anyone not looking, it appeared to be a pile of leaves or something. As soon as I spotted the lump, I ran, my heart hopeful. Then my heart swelled as my wallet lay there, apparently untouched. Rosa (dwagonfry), thank you vair vair much for your offer to get me another wallet! πŸ™‚ I might have to have you pick me up a couple of cool Mickey Mouse Club things. Let me know what’s there so I can send you on a shopping spree for me! πŸ˜‰

Praise God I got my wallet!

Work was tough. I had so much to do, I couldn’t figure out half the stuff I was supposed to do, and I had meetings to boot. I ended up leaving late. Tomorrow shouldn’t be as bad, but Friday will be a nightmare. Thank God I am going to lunch with Kelle Belle (itskels). That will help so much.

I talked to Bizzy on the phone for a long time tonight and I hope to see her tomorrow. That was nice and helped cheer me up. Then I got home and Chris had made that YUMMILICIOUS chili for dinner. Mmmm. That hit the spot.

Now, we’re going to Best Buy (YAY) and life group. I’d rather sit here and play on my computer all night, but duty calls. And I never mind Best Buy. ‘Til later….

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I guess I should be glad I have some form of internet.

Ugh. Wednesday sucks already.

– I am constipated (I’m sure you wanted to know that)
– It’s already 1:30am
– No Broadband
– Meetings all freakin’ day.


Oh well. I guess this is a sign for me to take my sorry self to bed, right? G’night.

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Tuesday Night (Pictures)

The Grove! YAY. It was good. It’s Ocktoberfest. They had brats and rootbeer. Yucky to the brats and sauerkraut. YAY to the rootbeer. I’m not a fan but it helped when I was thirsty.

Even better was that I got to spend a LOT of time with my new buddy Jon C. He is out of control, that one. Loads of fun. After the Grove, he and I hung out and talked for a long time. Other people popped in and out as well. Mike B. headed over with his second (?) brat. HA. HA. Check this out:

Think he liked it?

It was especially funny when THIS happened:

SPLAT! Right on the new carpet!!!

He shouldn’t feel bad. Kim’s entire brat went SPLAT to the floor!! Besides, he cleaned it up so well that it warranted a comment from Jon C: You cleaned that up like a girl!

Later, a group of us went to Applebee’s where EVERYONE was out of control. It was interesting, being the only girl in a group of guys when almost ALL of them are fairly good-looking. I ate wings and fries and shared them with Jon R and Jon C. They played great ’90s music. Here is Jon rockin’ it out to Guns N Roses:

Adorable, isn’t he? NO boy should have eyelashes that long. Unless he’s Aidan. πŸ˜‰

There were a few downer spots, the biggest being that I LOST MY WALLET. πŸ™ I didn’t realize it ’til I went to pay at Applebee’s. (Thank GOD Rob covered for me). This is bad. Firstly, it’s a SWEET Mickey Mouse Club wallet, but secondly, everything is in there. Cards, money, license, insurance, gift cards… I’m PRAYING it’s in the church–but the last time I remember seeing it was at the gas station. However, my debit card isn’t in my car, so I know I had the wallet when I left the gas station. I think it fell out of my bag while I was rifling through it for a pen before service started. I am going to go during my lunch break and try to find it. πŸ™

I should sleep. I have a longish meeting filled (GRUMBLE) day tomorrow, and I’m working for two; covering for someone who is out of the office until Monday. AND it’s already nearly one. I still need to get a shower. ACK. Time flies when one is having fun, yes?



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Yummy Sunday! (Pictures)

Had a good Sunday today. πŸ™‚

First, there was church. I did drive separately which ended up working out really well because I spent most of my day with Bizzy. Church, lunch and Max & Ermas with the gang, and then Bizzy came along with Chris, Aidan, and me to the Hocking Hills area. We only went to two places – Cedar Falls, and Old Man’s Cave. Cedar Falls was more like a trickle. Rumor has it that if one goes at the right time, the waters are crazy and rushing. No such things this time, but Old Man’s Cave was pretty neat.

Before I get to the pictures, let me just say that I LOVE giving someone unexpected surprises and seeing their reactions, especially if they’re very appreciative. It makes my day and makes giving so much fun.



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Bittersweet & Then Some…(Pictures)

I am gobsmacked that it’s already October. Absolutely gobsmacked. Agog as two gogs. Or maybe three.

Pretty soon the leaves will be changing. Peak is so pretty, until everything starts to fall off the trees.

Autumn is hard for me, just as much as it’s beautiful for me. It’s a gorgeous season. The perfect weather, the smells in the air. Sweaters and pumpkins and corn mazes and soups and chili. Campfires. Halloween. That brisk bite in the air. The crazy blue sky. The breathtaking sunrises and sunsets:

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