Month: January 2012

LinkedIn Depresses Me

I Can Haz Kitty

Have you ever felt like you are just… not as accomplished as you should be? I mean, you all know how I feel about all this “grown-up” business, but honestly, I often wonder why I just can’t be NORMAL. Why can’t I be happy with getting up five+ days a week, going into an office, coming home, eating dinner, watching TV, and sleeping? People do it every day! And they’re OK with it. The long commute. The lunch break that always goes too quickly. Why can’t I just be satisfied with–or at least resigned to–that sort of life? It’s like, what is wrong with me?

Yesterday, I worked in an office for the first time since November. It was just a one day gig, but could have led to more.

It didn’t go all that well. I was not on top of my game and they were not big with the patience. I mean, part of it was me. I just wasn’t on top of my game. I hate to admit that, but there you go. But part of it was their expectation that someone should walk in off the street, be given five minutes of training, and do everything perfectly. That kind of pressure? It screws me up. But that’s how it is in Chicago. No one has time for training or learning curves. You have to be able to hit the ground RUNNING. It’s super cutthroat. And it does nothing for my self-esteem when I am just not there.

And I say to myself:
You are 37 years old.
Why AREN’T you there yet?
You loser.

You know how people get depressed when they’re surfing Facebook and they see everyone else’s fabulous life? I’m like that with LinkedIn. I get that nifty little email in my inbox with all the updates; everyone’s promotions and new positions and whatnot. Or I’m just browsing and looking at people’s profiles! Everyone’s so accomplished. Or they’ve been in the same company for eleventy-billion years and have gotten a promotion every five years or so just like they’re supposed to. People my age and younger are managers, executies, directors. I don’t feel so bad about that, per se. I think I feel bad because even if I wanted a title like that, I’d never qualify for one. And then I start to feel pathetic.

Because why DON’T I have an established career or job? Why do I just kind of float through life in a way that I have to constantly remind myself to be present, to be intentional, to make it count?

It should not be this hard! Why is it so hard?

deep breath

OK. It’s obvious that I’m freaking out a little bit.
It’s just that…
I have a big decision to make, and this decision is making me super nervous.
It’ll be a big time commitment and financial investment.
The support from my friends and family has been amazing.
I’m still scared.
I’m starting to learn that the easiest choice is not always the right one,
and that the scary choice is usually the one that will take me on an amazing journey.
It will show me things that I’ve never thought possible.
It will push me farther than I’ve ever gone.
It will change my life in a very good way.

Adam and I kind of live by the philosophy Jump, and a net will appear.

So, I think I’m going to do it. I’m going to jump.
oh my god.
Details soon.

Linking up with:



Wicker Park

This past week was sooo awesome. I can’t pinpoint any one thing that made it so good. Just many, many lovely moments that added up to an incredible and fabulous time.

laughter · hugs · conversation · food · friends
love · love · love · love · love

Arm Pit Length Arm Pit Length

Things like noticing my hair is now armpit length.
For someone whose hair wouldn’t go past the nape of her neck for many years,
this is a big deal.

Two Cute Girls

Spending the week with my dear friend s00j (aka SJ Tucker, aka Pure Awesomeness on a Stick).

BRUNCHING HARD. One amazing culinary experience after the other. I had a donut that was so good that I wanted to dance and speak in tongues. I got it at Bleeding Heart. (I’ve talked about this place before). The donut was called Punk Rock Princess. It was a donut with lemon and hibiscus filling and strawberry glaze.


So many people have come in and out of my life over the years. Some of them have a light so bright, and they have energy so clear and good, that they energize you when they’re around. That’s how s00j and Ryan are. And the four of us together? Watch out now!

Lord Wigton & the Clan
Adam, Ryan, me, s00j

The Start of the Snow

· Actually enjoying the first very snowy and cold snap of this winter.

· Spending two days in a row with Jen!

· Losing count of the number of hugs I got and gave.

· Meeting Ryan and feeling like I’ve reunited with a dear old friend.

· Discovering a new TV show. Dear Downton Abbey, why did I wait so long to start watching you? And why are you so brilliant?

· Laughing so hard I was CRYING at some points. Oh, YouTube. Why must you be filled with the awesomeness that is Dr. Tran?

· Finding (and buying) some really yummy new incense.

· Getting my copy of LOLA AND THE BOY NEXT DOOR.

· Kick ass yoga class with Amber Cook.

I confess.
I was nervous for 2012 to start.
VERY nervous.
Now that it’s here, it’s been amazing,
and I am so excited for what’s next!

Life is so very good. 🙂

Linking up with:


Saturday 9 (6)

Y’all. I’ve had the most fabulous week, and I will blog about that (as well as respond to all comments) very soon, I promise. But I really liked the questions for this week’s Saturday 9, so I decided to knock this one out right quick.

Here goes!

1. Have you ever still been in a relationship that you knew was ending, but you hung in with it anyway? If yes, why?
Yes. Twice. Once because I thought that’s what I was supposed to do. The other because he was the father of my child.

2. Tell why people around the world should be completely enthralled by you.
UM LOL. I really don’t know. I’m nice, silly, hopefully fun to be around. 🙂

3. Other than where you live, what’s your favorite city and why?
Hmm. I love Columbus, Ohio. I had gotten tired of it when I lived there, but I do love it. Aidan’s there, it’s a nice, mid-sized city, and I even like their nuttiness over the Ohio State Buckeyes. But there is Orlando, which has Disney World! I want to travel more and experience more cities.

4. What is something you are really passionate about?
Reading, writing, Aidan, my family, and yoga.

5. What has been your most exciting prize that you’ve won?
This is a very good question. I’ve won some cool prizes, that’s for sure. But the most exciting? I remember when I won an MMC prize pack from one of the teen magazines many years ago. All the subscribers who were my penpals were congratulating me on it. I didn’t know it because the issue hadn’t hit the newsstands yet and the magazine didn’t let me know! And once I won a Playstation 2 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory game from the official website. The winning page said “I shake you warmly by the hand.” I’ve won lots of little prizes and giveaways here and there, but I can’t wait ’til I win that cool $100K.

6. Do you think there was there a second gunman behind the grassy knoll?

7. What was the silliest, most fun, crazy, or impractical gift that you received?
Silliest? It would be what I call my “America F*** Yeah!” It’s an eagle with color-changing lights. The best part is that the wing broke off in shipment. I’m also sure it was made in China.

8. What was the most practical gift that you received?
A vacuum cleaner from my mom in 2007.

9. What blogger has been in your blogroll the longest? How did you discover them?
I’m going to go with Helen. I discovered her through a message board. We kinda butted heads in the beginning, but I’m crazy about my Helenboo. 🙂


Stuff I Like Today


Listening to my “Eleventied™” mix on my iPod.
This is the playlist that consists of all my favorite songs.
Some examples?
a. Anywhere Is by Enya (DUH)
b. Soul Man by Kid N Play
c. Cry Little Sister (Theme from The Lost Boys)
d. Addicted by Kelly Clarkson
e. Helena Beat by Foster the People.
f. We Belong by Pat Benetar
g. I Can’t Dance by Genesis

38 songs. 2.7 hours of listening AWESOME for moi.
Hey, I never said I was cool.

Long, hot baths with a Lush bath bomb.
Especially the Dragon’s Egg bomb.
The bath bomb that keeps on giving.
It’s one of the slow release ones. It smells amazing.
It crackles!
It turns the water the most gorgeous, sparkly orange.
I love it.

Demi Lovato is on the cover of my latest issue of Seventeen!
Don’t ask why I still read Seventeen.
Actually, I’ll tell you why.
I hope to be a YA author one day.
And I feel like Seventeen will give me some insight.
Or at least tell me what to avoid in my writing.

Remembering that a year ago, Adam and I were at Disney World.
We’d eaten so much at Liberty Tree Tavern that we had to go into
The Hall of Presidents because we were too stuffed to move!
We’d eaten ourselves stupid.
I regret nothing.
And we get to do it again next month!

My awesome houseguest is en route to my place RIGHT NOW!
She and her boyfriend are staying with us all week.

Beef and noodles in the Crock-Pot.
It smells DELICIOUS.
Dinner is going to be great.

Just getting word that
Make It Or Break It
returns to ABC Family March 26.
YAY gymnastics!!!

Feeling like myself again.
The fatigue has eased up.
My appetite is coming back.
I’m ready to do yoga again,
and I’m planning to go back tomorrow.

Not only did I have the most amazing brunch at
Bleeding Heart Bakery & Cafe,
but I found out some awesome news about a couple of my friends. 😀
I’m so happy for them!


My Disney Imagination candle.
It makes the place smell like

What stuff do you like today?

Linking up with:

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters


Decorating Sense

We interrupt this blog for a test of the dorkilicious dorkity dork system.

This is only a test.


One of the chores I hate the most is putting away my Christmas decorations. For one thing, it’s work, which sucks, but another thing, I’m packing away all my pretty things for another many months. See, I have a little secret.

I cannot decorate worth a damn.

No. Seriously. I really suck at it. Adam did most of the decorating that’s in our apartment. He did most of the painting, he hangs the art, he deals with the furniture. My contributions? Calendars and dolls, and my little corner with the desk. The only time I do halfway OK with decorating? Christmas. And that doesn’t get to stay up all year. It doesn’t matter that I play on Pinterest all the time, or that I am addicted to watching HGTV. I still have no decorating sense. Or class.

Just last night, I was watching a show on HGTV with my friend Jen. These rich people in Texas or somewhere–their entire first floor flooded while they were on vacation, so they called in this designer. Their tastes were definitely above mine. The leopard print carpet on the stairs? I totally would slide down that on my butt. The big horse statue/sculpture thingy? I’d climb on it and take a picture. I told Jen that if/when I ever became super, duper rich, my house would NOT look like that ’cause it’s just like me. I’d hope I wouldn’t be obvious “new money,” but that old, rich, dark stuff is not my favorite.

so not my style

Another thing I don’t get is people’s obsession with “outdated” this and that. I couldn’t care less if my appliances are stainless steel or not. If they’re functional (and the stove is gas), then I’m good to go. Granite countertops? Not necessary. I mean, yes, all that stuff is really pretty and it would be nice to have, but it’s not a deal breaker for me if I don’t have it. (And I don’t.)

When I watch those shows and I watch how picky people get over things, I kinda want to giggle. Adam and I have a pretty big apartment by Chicago’s standards, especially for what we’re paying. But it’s not *gigantic* or anything. It was hard for me to downsize, and we still struggle with storage space. I once lived in a 2300 square foot house, then I lived in a 450 square foot two bedroom apartment alone before moving here. I’m also a pack rat. Poor Adam. The sheer amount of STUFF that came with me overwhelmed him greatly. Poor guy. But we got it under control (sort of).

We don’t plan on moving for a while, but if we did, here are my must haves:

two bedrooms
two bathrooms
air conditioning (this is more for Adam’s sake than my sake)
gas stove
cat friendly
close to public transporation

Here are my “nice-to-haves”:

hardwood flooring
walk-in closets
porch or stoop
close to downtown

And this list is my “it’d be cool if it was there but if not, I’ll be fine, and I’m certainly not going to pursue it” stuff:

stainless steel appliances
granite countertops
master bedroom that has its own bathroom
Jacuzzi soaking tub in that master bathroom

So there you have it. I’d like to think I’m easy to please when it comes to living spaces, but I don’t know. I haven’t actually seriously looked for a place to live since 2006. And moving’s such a pain in the butt that I’m OK not looking for now. It’s when I watch endless House Hunters and House Hunters International marathons that I get like this, you know. Will I stop watching them? NOPE. THANK YOU.

this is more like it

And that was a random insight into my dorkiness. It really wasn’t a test. I just didn’t want you to panic.

You’re welcome.