
taking stock.


Making: a mental list of things to pack for ohio and things to do before ohio. and another header for my blog. i just can’t get satisfied!

Cooking: nothing right now because as usual, i can’t decide what i want to eat for dinner.

Drinking: zevia ginger ale. ginger ale is the only pop i allow myself to drink.

Reading: harry potter and the deathly hallows. again.

Wanting: my pink combat boots to arrive already.

Looking: at my computer screen.

Playing: lego harry potter years 5-7 on the 3ds.

Wasting: time. always time.

Wishing: i could decide what to eat.

Enjoying: these relaxing days i’ve been having.

Waiting: to see my mommy and cousins next week.

Liking: new music on my playlist. and ios7. it’s so cute.

Wondering: when disney will put out its winter/spring 2014 promotions.

Loving: my family.

Hoping: that adam doesn’t make me drive the whole way to ohio. also that the leaves have started changing colors. i want to take some pictures!

Marveling: life in general.

Needing: to figure out what i should have for dinner. i actually want sushi but the hermit in me doesn’t want to go pick it up. i know, it’s bad.

Smelling: skin.

Wearing: pink leggings and a shirt with dancing bananas on it.

Following: too many blogs.

Noticing: anything plaid. boots and bags.

Knowing: it’s going to be getting cold soon and i don’t like that. but i have autumn to get through first, so that’s good. our leaves haven’t even started changing yet.

Thinking: about things to do next week.

Bookmarking: nothing.

Opening: nothing.

Giggling: some gifs on tumblr. people are crazy on that site.

Feeling: a little tired and hungry.

what can I say? illy has the best posts. she got it from here. πŸ™‚

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i confess.

Morton Arboretum Autumn 2012

i confess… that my internet connection is driving me bananas. everything is taking ages to load. every site has these huge dynamic images and infinite scroll and my connection is like “i’m just going to sit here and spin my wheels for five minutes wheee!” it’s not my computer. i just got the thing in february. all my software is up to date. i’ve tried different browsers. same issues. and i know it’s the connection because sometimes it fixes itself for a few minutes and works great. then it messes up again. and some of the work i do? completely internet-based. this needs to resolve itself NOW. (I know I know, first world problems blah blah blah….)

i confess… part of the reason i’m excited to visit my mom soon is that i’ll get to eat breakfast at bob evans. i haven’t had bob evans for nearly a year! okay, that’s not true. i’ve been eating the sausage that i have to cook–but it’s not the same as getting it from the restaurant. although it is close.

i confess… i am not completely happy with my blog header at the moment. it’s the same one i used last autumn… i want something simpler but not too simple.

i confess… i kinda suck at designing anything for my blog.

i confess… that as much as i used to love the disney channel, it’s getting to a point where i can’t stand it now. everything is too sharp and bright and it hurts my ears and brains. was it always like this? i don’t think so. i don’t remember mmc being so… jarring.

i confess… that i feel like i’m floundering. my loyola work is starting to settle down. i want to do stuff like go out and take pictures or travel or even go to the library or grocery store but then my energy level plummets and i’m like “lol just kidding time for sleep.” i just feel… blah. like, so much is happening inside me, but it’s too far away for me to get a grip on it. but it’s close enough that it’s weighing me down.

i confess… that i often feel awkward, ugly, and dumpy. even when i put on my cute new clothes (and boots) and makeup, i look often in the mirror and go “ugh. wow, god. ugh.” my eyes go straight to the flaws. trying to take a selfie with the back camera on the iphone? god bless us everyone. the funny thing is that people have been telling me lately, more so than i’m used to hearing, a lot of really nice things about my appearance. i don’t know why it’s so hard to believe them most of the time.

i confess… my hair has been awesome though. soaking it in coconut oil and then keeping it in braids for one or more nights is like…the best thing ever. i love how it smells and it makes my hair so pretty. coconut oil is amazing.

i confess… i think autumn colors are so beautiful and i’ve been obsessed with looking at the autumn-themed tumblrs. there are tons of them and the photos they post/reblog are gorgeous. my own tumblr is starting to take on that fall-like mood as well.

i confess… i have been super lazy in regards to my yoga practice. and adam did all the laundry so there really is no excuse. i have clean yoga clothing now.

i confess… i feel like i’m turning into a grumpy old lady. πŸ™ that’s not the way i want to be. i’m so sensitive to everything now. noises. smells. bright lights. loud music and television (even more so than usual). i just want to hide in my bedroom and read. the mere thought of interacting with a lot of people overwhelms me. i make myself do it when i have to, but lately, i’ve been avoiding most social interaction.

i confess… i go through this every few years. i spend some time, about one or two years, being very social and very busy (hello, yoga teacher training and workshop management!), and then i shut completely down and keep to myself. the last time i was like this was in 2007. it’s weird.

what are your confessions?

post inspired by ilene at much love, illy.


30 week blog challenge – week 3: favorite tv shows

This week, Marie asks us what our favorite TV shows are. I don’t watch a lot of TV. I get most of my media fix from books or the internet (damn you, tumblr. I can think of only one show I like to watch, and that’s not even on all the time, and that show is Doctor Who.

doctor-who-logo-blackWhen Adam first started watching Doctor Who, I just didn’t get into it. He started with the Eccleston episodes (the Ninth Doctor), and well, it seemed that every episode started with screaming. I have issues with screaming that isn’t fun screaming. And this screaming was never fun.

But then the season went on, and I would find myself taking glimpses at the television. And then the episode The Empty Child came on, and I found myself very entertained by it. I still wasn’t a convert until sometime when David Tennant became the Tenth Doctor, though. But when Matt Smith became the Eleventh Doctor, I kind of fell in love.

For a while, I had this habit of starting TV shows then just giving up on them. I was gung ho about Gossip Girl, but sometime during second season, I ran out of time and interest. My DVR was out of control and something had to give. Sometimes a show will give up on me. Earlier this year, I loved the cop show Golden Boy, but CBS cancelled it after just a few episodes. I don’t even watch cop shows, but this one was different. It was more character driven rather than situational driven, and I was loving the chemistry between the actors. Sadly, CBS holds more value in shows like Two Broke Girls (which I hate) than really good shows with great content.

Which is fine. I don’t mind having less TV to watch. And Adam watches enough for both of us.

I did watch a lot of TV when I was growing up. Even through adulthood. I set my days of the week by which shows were coming on that night. Some of my favorites from the past include Punky Brewster, Silver Spoons, Webster, Mr. Belvedere, Who’s the Boss, Full House, Family Matters, Perfect Strangers, Amen, 227, Golden Girls, The Cosby Show, A Different World, The Charmings, Different Strokes, Roseanne, Hunter, Quantum Leap, Small Wonder, The Mickey Mouse Club, Arrested Development, Make It or Break It, The O.C., Queer as Folk, Sex and the City (duh, my son is named Aidan), and many many more.

I used to watch some reality TV. I was so into Big Brother, and I loved, loved, loved America’s Top Model before it turned all crazy. I used to also enjoy What Not To Wear, and I enjoy certain cooking shows. When I was pregnant with Aidan, I tortured myself with episodes of A Baby Story. If I catch an episode of House Hunters, I’ll watch it happily. Don’t let there be a marathon. Hello! I was also a big fan of Tia & Tamera for a while there. Every once in a while I’ll get sucked into an episode of Dance Moms or something like that. But I don’t seek out reality TV.

My sister was more into the cartoons. She loved all of them. With the exception of Popeye (especially the super old black and white ones) and the Flintstones, I really only cared for the rare cartoon specials. Like the rare episode of Strawberry Shortcake or Rainbow Brite, or the Charlie Brown holiday specials. I did not care for the Smurfs, and I thought Looney Toones was too much. I liked Woody Woodpecker, though, but it wasn’t until I got older that I really appreciated Tom & Jerry.

I think I get frustrated with TV now because it’s so homogenous. When I was growing up, there was a lot more diversity. Entire shows with casts of color and no stereotypical bullshit. Black people were professionals, their children were going to college, and the parents were active and caring for their children. Now, everything is quirky with a few actors of color on the fringes, with thinly veiled racism or stereotyping, and I’m so BORED with it.

OR everything is paranormal and dark. Adam LOVES Breaking Bad. I refuse to watch it. I can hear the screaming from the other room and I have to put on headphones. Game of Thrones is another one that seems way too violent for me. I don’t even know what else is popular now–I ignore most of the stuff that pops up on my Twitter and Facebook feed when people are talking TV shows.

I don’t judge other people for watching lots of TV. I know that’s how they escape, just like how mine is the internet and books. It’s just not my first choice for entertainment these days.

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so far this year….


1. Have you had more than 5 different boyfriends/girlfriends?
Um, no.

2. Have you had your birthday?
Nope. Will have that December 20.

3. Been to church?

4. Cried yet?

5. Been to the movies yet?
No. Waiting for Catching Fire! πŸ™‚

6. Stayed up all night?

7. Drank Starbucks?
No. I only drink Starbucks once a year or every other year. It’s like a way special treat for me.

8. Gone shopping?

9. Been camping?

10. Been to the beach?

11. Bought something for over $200?

12. Met someone new?
Yes. Tons of new people.

13. Been out of state?
Yes. Florida and Iowa.

14. Gone snowboarding?

15. Kissed someone?

16. Slept in someone else’s bed?

17. Snuck someone over?

18. Snuck out?
No. I love being a grown-up.

19. Been to a bar?
Does filming a movie in a bar count?

20. Lied?

21. Got in a car?

22. Been called a tease?

23.Loved anyone?

24. Done something you regret?
Sure. Don’t ask me what, though. I try to block such things out of my mind.

25. Last person you hugged?

26. Last person to call you?

27. Last time you took a bath?
That reminds me! It’s been a while. I’ve been doing showers. A bath is in order!

28. When was the last time you felt stupid?
I’m sure it was recently, but it’s blocked from my mind.

29. Who was the last person who saw you cry?
Not sure. I don’t think anyone witnessed it.

30. Who was the last person who made you cry?
It wasn’t a person, it was because Aidan was going back to OH.

31. Who was the last person you danced with?
Remember the film shoot I referenced in #19? Some fellow background actors.

32. What did you do today?
Slept in, shopped, read, and now I am up late doing this survey thing. πŸ™‚

The last time I did this was in 2007. It’s cool how some of my answers have changed!

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It’s Friday the 13th. I don’t know why, but these “Friday the 13th” dates fascinate me so much. I think I *like* tempting fate in a way. I mean, I do own a black cat, after all.

The weather has cooled down, and fall is definitely approaching. Here’s what’s going on currently.


I’ve taken a bunch of books out of the library, but in typical Ronni fashion, I’m ignoring them in favor of rereading HARRY POTTER AND THE SORCERER’S STONE. But you know what? I prefer HARRY POTTER AND THE PHILOSOPHER’S STONE. I love the British-isms. Although, I still haven’t figured out what a knickerbocker glory is. I’m assuming some ice cream dish?


Nothing! I’m not a huge TV watcher at the moment. There are no new Doctor Who episodes on yet, and there is no show starring Theo James. So I have no reason to watch television.

I did recently watch Breaking Dawn Part 1 and Part 2 with Rifftrax. I’d seeing BD1 in the theatre, but I’d never seen BD2. All I have to say is…. WHAT!


All the stuff I wore in the late 80s and early 90s is back in style! (Well, I’m not so much into the acid washed jeans… but the other stuff!) I got a bunch of new clothes. I know, the LAST THING I NEEDED was new clothes, but I cannot resist new sweaters. And this year, I am able to {slowly} restock my J Crew sweater collection. J Crew merino sweaters are really the only ones that keep me warm enough. Adam actually gasped when he heard the total at the till… but for me, paying a lot for decent sweaters that will keep me warm is worth it because being cold makes me that miserable. I feel the same way about Juicy Couture hoodies.

I wonder if overalls will come back in style? I hope so. I still have a few pair. If only I hadn’t gotten rid of my denim shirt.

Working the Front Desk
me in 1994.
stylin’ man.

I think this was my best look, though. πŸ˜‰

Mickey Mouse Freak

I really wish I still had that vest.


Unfortunately, I’m not wearing that Mickey Mouse vest because only God knows what happened to it. Also, my boobs are probably too big to fit it now anyway.

It’s season-changing time. My fashion plan this fall is long sweaters, skinny jeans, and boots. I currently have six pairs of boots with another pair coming in the mail. I got a denim jacket that’s not cropped, a pair of hoop earrings, and a cute brown purse for the fall. It’s also time for me to pull out my Ohio State teeshirts and hoodies. Hair is either in a fluffy ponytail or bun, braids, or wild and free. And the socks I have! Oh man. TARDIS socks and Dalek socks and Superman socks! Love!



Reading and relaxing. I don’t have to go anywhere today, but I might go to a dharma talk this evening. And yes, I will actually put on pants for that. It’ll be too cool for a dress. πŸ™


I think it’s called “chill-step”, the type of music I’m really into now–stuff by Blackmill or Adventure Club. Can’t get enough of Charli XCX. Loving some of the tracks on the Great Gatsby soundtrack (especially Where the Wind Blows by Coco).


Pepperidge Farm has its Caramel Apple bread out now. Delicious! I’ve also been eating a lot of Bob Evans sausage and the Trader Joe’s version of Cream of Wheat, with apple sauce. Drinking lots of water with lemon essential oils. I’m really feeling like I need to detox, so I’m hoping the water with lemon helps.


I’m alive. I only had to serve one day for jury duty, and I had nice peers and the people working at the courthouse were great. I found my Tiffany bracelet. Knowing that if I really want to, I can book a trip to Disney World for my birthday. (That doesn’t mean I WILL, but I certainly COULD. And I am definitely tempted.) I get to see my mommy in just over a week. Just over five weeks until I visit Wanda in New York City. I found pink combat boots in my size and I ordered them! I can still fit my midsummer night’s dream dress. (I just need a black tie event to wear it to.)

this is the dress!
photo taken in 2005
(here’s the live journal entry where I talk about how
I came to own such a beautiful piece of clothing)

I am so glad I can still fit it!!

That’s all for now. Till next time!

Inspired by this post at much love, illy.