Month: November 2005


SUSPENSE! – High-speed adventure is where youre at!
Girls! Guns! Intrigue! Conspiracy! You want to
write it gritty with sharp heroes and
devastating babes. Rich and powerful villains
rule your world and your hero is out to save
it! Ian Flemming and the Die Hard movies are
your inspirations!

What Kind of Novel Should I Write?
brought to you by Quizilla

(Originally published at Anywhere Is…)

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Christmas Time! :) (Lots of Pictures)

I got to see Bizzy not one, but TWO nights in a row. YEE HAW! That’s always good and fun! Last night, she and Craig both came over and we watched A Christmas Story, ate good food, ate Jello cake, and just hung out and had a good time. We’d planned on putting up the tree but never got around to it.

Chris called me today at work and said that he’d put up the tree and put on the lights and the beads. It was up to me to finish up. Bizzy had mentioned she wanted to help me decorate so I called her and asked her to come over. She did! We ate spaghetti, watched Mickey’s Magical Christmas, sang Christmas songs (YEAH for Harry Connick Jr!) and decorated the tree. In the meantime, Aidan was being absolutely darling. He woke up from his nap in a great mood and has been generally incredible all evening (he’s still being very cute and good-natured).

You should have seen him decorating the tree and then saying “My Christmas Tree!!” Lookee!

Yes, he is pantless. *sigh*

Nativity Scene

The fireplace

Entertainment Center

The Almighty Banana

The TREE!! 😀

I have hit a 2nd wind, it seems. I probably should not have taken that cat nap this afternoon, but I couldn’t resist! And I woke up to Aidan touching my cheek–how wonderful is that? I’m going to be tired, though. It’s already nearly one and I haven’t had my shower yet. I should get off of here soon. BUT here are a couple more pictures first:

Aidan and Bizzy. Too cool for you.

Aidan and Santa!!!! <3

My Jello Cake. Mmmmm.

Bizzy approving of the Jello Cake. Yeah!

Guess what? THE HOUSE IS CLEAN!!! 😀 😀 😀

Okay, it’s time I go to bed. Good night. 🙂

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Chris found one of his Christmas presents!!!! 🙁

(In all fairness, I did not hide it *that* well….)

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I should probably go to bed. I’m totally mentally freaking out here…..

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So frustrating…

I can’t seem to get on top of the damn cleaning. I clean and I pick up and I tidy only for the EXACT same mess to appear not even four hours later. What am I doing wrong? Why can’t Chris and Aidan pick up their messes when they’re done?

Okay, I understand that Aidan is a little guy and needs more coaching. I just saw the family room–the SAME room I picked up no fewer than three times in the past week. Blankets, toys, clothes, possible candy wrappers (I simply stopped looking by then) all over the floor. I’m about ready to pull my hair out.

I mean, the house is good-sized, so I usually only do one or two rooms at a time. The hardest for me to take care of are the master bedroom and the family room. The guest room is rarely used, so I don’t have to mess with that one as much. Aidan’s room–he likes to change clothes a million times a day, but it’s nothing to stuff clothing back into the drawers. But the paper and the toys and the blankets and CHRIS’s Dang Clothing and HOCKEY GEAR, ACK. Drives me insane. I see people’s homes and they always look so tidy. Lived in but not a fall down mess. So what am I doing wrong?? 🙁

The loft. I just tidied it up yesterday. It’s a pigsty AGAIN. Toys, papers, all over the floor. I’m feeling stretched thin and worn out and **really** cranky. I just got Aidan to bed–that took some work, let me tell you. He’s at that age where he is stalling in regards to anything–eating, sleeping, whatever. And… the child has begun talking back.

Me: Aidan, don’t write on your arm.
Aidan: I’m NOT!


On top of that, I’m out of chocolate chip cookie dough. That really makes me unhappy. I was really looking forward to two “cookies” tonight. (I get the ready bake cookies. Yummy).

Thank God for 3 Musketeers.

Signing off, devouring chocolate, reading Miss Snark and generally feeling like poop for making Aidan go to bed even though it’s totally justifiable because it’s nearly 1am.


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